Lucius Apustius Fullo (Consul 226 BC)

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Lucius Apustius Fullo was a Roman politician in the last third of the 3rd century BC. Chr.

He was the first of his gens to enter the Senate and, together with Marcus Valerius Maximus Messalla, reached 226 BC. The consulate ; the consular fasts identify him as the son of Lucius and grandson of a Gaius . Nothing else is known about him. Analogous to his colleague in the consulate, he could also have found use in the Second Punic War , at least the historian Titus Livius mentions the year 215 BC. A legate Lucius Apustius at Taranto . His cognomen Fullo , Latin for Walker , probably points to the profession practiced in his family.

Other representatives of the gens Apustia are known from the following decades . The praetor of the same name from 196 BC Chr. Could be his son. A Lucius Apustius is used for 200 in the Second Macedonian War and 190 BC. Chr. Called as a legate, who was finally killed in fighting in Lycia . A Publius Apustius belonged to 161 BC. An embassy to Cyrene to Ptolemaios VIII. Physkon.



  1. Livy 23:38, 9. 11
  2. Livy 31:27.
  3. Livius 37,4,2. 16.12.
  4. Polybios 31,20,4.