Lucius Dasumius Tullius Tuscus

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Lucius Dasumius Tullius Tuscus (full name form Lucius Dasumius Publi filius Stellatina Tullius Tuscus ) was a Roman politician living in the 2nd century AD . In the military diplomas and in an inscription his name is given as Lucius Tullius Tuscus , in the Fasti Ostienses as Lucius Dasumius Tuscus .

Individual stations of his career are known through an inscription, which in the inscription as cursus inversus , i. H. is given in descending order. Tuscus was initially triumvir auro argento aere flando feriundo . He then became a tribune in the Legio IIII Flavia . This was followed by the offices of a quaestor ( quaestor Imperatoris Antonini Augusti Pii ), a legate in the province of Africa , a tribune ( tribunus plebis ) and a praetor . Afterwards he became prefect of the Aerarium Saturni ; this was his last post before the consulate .

Military diplomas prove that Tuscus 152 was a consul suffect together with P. Sufenas (Verus?) ; his name is also partially preserved in the Fasti Ostienses. After the consulate he became governor ( Legatus Augusti pro praetore ) of the provinces Germania superior and Pannonia superior (presumably in that order). Based on an inscription, it is assumed that he was governor in Pannonia superior around 162/166. This was followed by the office of curator operum publicorum . As comes Augusti , he probably accompanied Marcus Aurelius during the Marcomannic Wars .

Tuscus held various priesthoods; he was Augur and sodalis Hadrianalis and sodalis Antoninianus . He was enrolled in the tribe of Stellatina . The father of Tuscus was probably Publius Dasumius Rusticus ; Marcus Dasumius Tullius Varro was probably his son.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. a b Military diplomas of the year 152 ( RMD 5, 406 , RMD 5, 407 , ZPE-162-241 ).
  2. a b inscription ( CIL 3, 4117 ).
  3. a b Fasti Ostienses ( CIL 14, 244 ).
  4. Inscription ( CIL 11, 3365 ).
  5. Paul Holder : Roman Military Diplomas V (= Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 88), Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, London 2006, p. 824, No. 406, note 3 and P. 825, No. 407, note 5.
  6. Werner Eck , Andreas Pangerl: Further military diplomas for the Mauritanian provinces In: ZPE, Volume 162 (2007), pp. 235–247, here pp. 238–239 ( online ).
  7. Inscription ( CIL 6, 1526 ).