Lucrezia Bendidio

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Lucrezia Bendidio , (or Lucrezia Bendedei ) (born April 8, 1547 in Ferrara , † after 1584 ), was a lady-in-waiting of Leonora d'Este at the court of Ferrara.


She was born in 1547 as the daughter of Nicolò Bendedei and Margherita Rossetti and grew up at the Este farm of Ercole II . In September 1561 she met Torquato Tasso in Padua , who, in the presence of his father Bernardo , accompanied Cardinal Luigi d'Este and his sister Leonora on their usual late summer holidays. It is known that "the princess was followed as bridesmaid by a beautiful 15-year-old girl from one of the great families of Ferrara, Lucrezia Bendidio". After noticing some interest in the girl, Tasso fell in love with her and devoted numerous rhymes to her. The announcement in February 1562 of Lucrezia's upcoming wedding to Count Baldassarre Macchiavelli deeply struck eighteen-year-old Tasso, who felt his first love, but he continued to dedicate verses to her:

“Misero! ed io là corro ove rimiri
fra le brine del volto e 'l bianco petto
scherzar la mano avversa a' miei desiri!
Or come esser potrà ch'io viva e spiri,
se non m'accenna alcun pietoso affetto
che non fian semper vani i miei sospiri? ”

When Tasso published the epic Rinaldo , written in ten months, in the summer of 1562 , some critics recognized Lucrezia in Clarice, one of the characters in the work. With the Estensi, however, the poet was able to see her for many years, while the attractive lady came into contact with other artists who enriched the court at the time, above all Battista Guarini and Giovan Battista Pigna. The latter's compositions included three songs that were inspired by the beauty of Bendidio and, among other things, formed the starting point for some reflections on love published in 1568 with the title “ Considerazioni sopra tre canzoni di MGB Pigna ”.

Lucrezia then became the lover of Cardinal Luigi d'Este for a long time .

The Bendidio was also a valued singer and, like her sister Isabella, took part in the Concerto delle donne at the Renaissance courts .

Another sister, Taddea, married the scholar Battista Guarini and their daughter Anna Guarini was also a singer and harpist.


  • Gerolamo Melchiorri: Donne illustri ferraresi dal Medioevo all'Unità . Ed .: Graziano Gruppioni, prefazione Enrica Guerra. 2G Editrice, Ferrara 2014, ISBN 978-88-89248-18-8 (Italian).
  • Torquato Tasso: Sonnets to Lucrezia Bendidio . Alber, Munich 1941, p. 56 .

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Individual evidence

  1. Melchiorri Gruppioni, pp. 43, 44
  2. ^ A. Solerti: Vita di Torquato Tasso . Loescher, Turin-Rome 1895, p. 68-69 (Italian).
  3. From a sonnet from 1562
  4. ^ L. Tonelli: Tasso . Paravia, Turin 1935, p. 82 (Italian).
  5. L. Tonelli, p. 60
  6. Treccani, Lucrezia-Bendidio