Ludolf von Eltz († 1626)

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Colored grave slab of Ludolf von Eltz in the Church of St. Petrus in Burgwedel

Ludolf von Eltz (also: Ludolff von Eltz and Ludolph von Eltz ; * around 1559 , † 1626 in Burgwedel ) was a German captain and Burgwedel magistrate .


Coat of arms of the noble family von Eltz on the tomb of Ludolf von Eltz

Ludolf von Eltz took on the duties of a captain in the Duchy of Braunschweig-Lüneburg and worked from 1590 until his death in 1626 as a governor in the Burgwedel district bailiff .

A purchase contract, confirmed by Ludolf von Eltz and " sealed " with wax on June 18, 1618, for the Flotwiese - formerly located in the corner of the streets Bruchholzwiesen and Am Flöth that converge today - is today, with the inscription "Sanctus Petrus", the oldest preserved seal representation of the St. Petrus Church in the parish of Burgwedel.

A parchment document signed by Ludolf von Eltz about the use of a church stalls in a dispute with the citizen Hans Papman also dates from June 15, 1626 . After the disputing parties had submitted their petitions to the consistory in Celle , von Eltz, in his job as judge, passed “a truly Solomonic judgment ”, which pacified both sides. After all documents before 1626 had been destroyed during the Thirty Years' War - "probably during a robbery by Danish troops" - the document signed by Ludolf von Eltz is now the oldest preserved in the St. Petri archive .

Colored painted tombstone

Alliance coat of arms of Ludolf von Eltz and Anna Ziegenmeyer

An almost life-size representation of Ludolf von Eltz in full armor can be found on a stone grave slab in the southern annex of St. Petri. The monument protector Carl Wolff described the art monument at the beginning of the 20th century: “There is a beautifully crafted, colored tombstone (Fig. 5) placed there; in a semicircular covered niche the deceased stands in armor , surrounded by helmet , gloves, weapons and various kinds of victory signs . Above there are two coats of arms , inscribed: 'Lvdolf v. Eltz 'and' Anna Zigemeier '. "

In a field above the niche is the inscription “In this world there is nothing to worry about fear and unrest. But I know that my Redeemer. Jesus Christ lives and in him my soul will have rest. "

Carl Wolff quoted the lapidary inscription of the plate, which was still partially covered by the floor at the time, as follows: “The new year's manager and manly Lvdolf von Eltz Fvrstl: / Bravnschw: Lvnebvrgischer bestalter Havptman and Ambtsvoig. . / /. days between the 2nd and 3rd Vhren in Got sehlig / sleepy his age 67th year. "


Ludolf von Eltz was married to Anna Ziegenmeyer (also Zigemeier). His son was the bailiff Heinrich von Eltz , his grandson Ludolf Henning von Eltz .


  • Erich Stoll : The nobly free estate of those von Eltz / Reinbold , in other words : Grossburgwedel. Chronicle , Großburgwedel: Erich Stoll, 1972, pp. 58–60 u.ö.

Archival material

Archival material by and about Ludolf von Eltz can be found, for example

  • as a file on the cultivation of flax , flax fiber and the tithe under the title Amtsvogtei Burgwedel: Report by the governor Ludolf von Eltz zu Burgwedel on the flax tithe and why canvas is sent to court every year for it . The file contains the flax tithe register for the period from 1578 to 1614 and can be found in the Lower Saxony State Archives (Hanover location) , Department Celle Br.61a, Office matters of the (judicial) office in Celle, Städtesachen , archive signature NLA HA Celle Br.61a No. 2525 (old signature Burgwedel No. 5 )

Web links

Commons : Ludolf von Eltz  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d e Ulrich von Stackelberg, Elisabeth von Stackelberg: Around the St. Petri Church in Großburgwedel , publisher: Ev.-luth. St. Petri parish, Großburgwedel, Küstergang 2; Großburgwedel: [2017?], Passim ; Transcription from
  2. ^ A b c Carl Wolff: Die Kunstdenkmäler der Provinz Hannover , published on behalf of the Provincial Commission for Research and Conservation of Monuments in the Province of Hannover, Volume III. Lüneburg district , part 1: Burgdorf and Fallingbostel districts , Hanover: Self-published by the provincial administration, Theodor Schulzes bookstore, 1902; Digitized via
  3. see inscription on the grave monument
  4. Information in the archive information system Arcinsys Lower Saxony Bremen