Ludwig Ramdohr

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Ludwig Daniel Ramdohr (born September 15, 1909 in Kassel ; † May 3, 1947 in Hameln (executed)) was a German criminal police officer and, as a criminal secretary, worked in the political department in the Ravensbrück concentration camp .


After completing his apprenticeship as a locksmith, Ludwig Ramdohr trained as a police officer and then worked in this profession. In 1937 he joined the NSDAP . At the beginning of the Second World War he was employed in the field gendarmerie . After completing a one-year training course as a detective in the spring of 1941, Ramdohr was first employed by the Reich Criminal Police as an interrogator in the Moringen youth concentration camp and, from July 1942, in the political department of the Ravensbrück concentration camp. Ramdohr had a few informers among the prisoners who helped him, including Carmen Mory . Ramdohr was feared in the camp because of his brutal interrogation methods.

In the spring of 1945 Ramdohr was arrested for mistreating a female Polish prisoner and for illicit contact with a prisoner and sentenced on April 20, 1945 by an SS and police court in Berlin to six years' imprisonment. Rahmdohr is said to have used the (false) confessions extorted from prisoners to be able to prosecute members of the SS. For his rehabilitation, Ramdohr was transferred to a parole battalion at the front.

On May 3, 1945, Ramdohr was arrested by the US Army and indicted in the first Ravensbrück trial in the Hamburg Curiohaus . During the trial, Ramdohr testified about his interrogation methods:

“A) It is a fact that the prisoners in custody were shortened.

b) It has certainly happened that prisoners had to stand for hours before they were taken by me for interrogation [...]
c) I beat prisoners.
d) Inmates were injected with anesthetic, the same one used for surgery, and then interrogated after falling into a semi-sleep-like state. […]
E) I cuffed the prisoners' hands behind their backs, had them placed on their stomach on a table, so that their head protruded over one end of the table. A high chair with a bowl of water was then placed on this side. I then took the women by the hair and dipped my face in the water. [...]

f) Spy system: I had a few prisoners who worked for me all the time, [...]. "

Ludwig Ramdohr was sentenced to death on February 3, 1947. Despite a petition for clemency brought by him, the death sentence was carried out by hanging on May 3, 1947.


Individual evidence

  1. Ramdohr's statement of August 21, 1946 Quoted by Silke Schäfer: On the self-image of women in the concentration camp. The Ravensbrück camp. Berlin 2002 (Dissertation TU Berlin), urn : nbn: de: kobv: 83-opus-4303 , doi : 10.14279 / depositonce-528 , p. 78 f.