Ludwig Vögely

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Ludwig Vögely (born December 19, 1916 in Niefern ; † May 14, 2009 ) was a German local researcher and writer .


Ludwig Vögely was the son of a teacher and grew up in Eschelbach . He attended the secondary school in Sinsheim and after graduating from high school, studied at the college for teacher training in Karlsruhe .

Vögely became the director of education in Karlsruhe . In addition to his professional activity, he has presented numerous writings on the history of Baden and the history of Baden localities, beginning with the Chronicle of Unteröwisheim from 1954. A large part of his work was reflected in around 100 historical, folkloric and biographical essays in the Baden homeland , in the Ekkhart -Jahrbuch and Kraichgau Yearbook down. He was also chairman of the Badische Heimat regional association from 1982 to 1996 . In 1997 he was awarded the Baden-Württemberg Medal of Merit. In the 1980s he had already received the Federal Cross of Merit and in 1990 the Johann-Peter-Hebel-Badge .

His son Frank-Ulrich Vögely (1949–2011) was a composer, writer and art historian.

Works (selection)


  • Norbert Thamm: Ludwig Vögely , in: Badische Heimat, 61st year volume
  • Aldred Götz: "Give the best - and make life a feast". A warm birthday greeting for Ludwig Vögely . In: Kraichgau. Contributions to landscape and local research , volume 17/1997, pp. 275–276, edited by Heimatverein Kraichgau , Eppingen 2002, ISBN 3-921214-21-1