Luis Domínguez

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Luis L. Dominguez, Mariano Saavedra and Pablo Cardenas .

Luis Domínguez , origin. Luis Lorenzo Domínguez , (born March 15, 1819 in Buenos Aires , † July 20, 1898 in London ) was an Argentine politician , diplomat and writer.

During the reign of the dictator Juan Manuel de Rosas , Domínguez emigrated to Uruguay in 1839 and settled in Montevideo . There he joined the emigrants around Juan Bautista Alberdi and Bernardo de Irigoyen .

Domínguez wrote a. a. for newspapers and magazines such as "El Grito", "El Nacional" and "¡Muera Roas!". There he repeatedly addressed the political situation in his home country. When de Rosas was overthrown in early 1852, Domínguez returned to Argentina and settled in his hometown. There he founded the newspaper "El Orden" in 1856 together with Félix Frías and José Mármol .

Always politically active, Domínguez was appointed Minister of Finance by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento in 1872. He resigned this office two years later and switched to the diplomatic service in his country. As ambassador, he first represented Argentina in Peru and the United States , and later in Spain and Great Britain .


As a poet, Domínguez found no place in the literary history of his country, although some of his poems were more popular. His “Historia Argentina”, on the other hand, received great praise.

Works (selection)

  • Historia Argentina . Buenos Aires 1861.


  • Vicente O. Cutolo (ed.): Nuevo diccionario biográfico argentino . Ed. Elche, Buenos Aires 1975.
  • Miguel Á. DeMarco: Historia del periodismo argentino . Editorial de la Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires 2006, ISBN 987-1190-50-6 , ( Colección Comunicación ).
  • Dieter Reichardt: Latin American authors. Literary dictionary and bibliography of German translations . Erdmann Verlag, Tübingen et al. 1972, ISBN 3-7711-0152-2 , pp. 56-57.