Luise von Schlözer

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Luise von Schlözer (born February 20, 1823 in Calvörde , † October 1, 1907 in Dresden ) was a German painter, draftsman and lithographer.


Charlotte Georgine Luise Freiin von Meyern-Hohenberg was a daughter of the major and leaseholder Leopold Freiherr von Meyern-Hohenberg (1766–1846) and his much younger wife Dorothea Sophia, née. by Brandis (1793-1886). The paternal family was originally wealthy in Hohenberg-Krusemark ; From 1818 to 1833 her father was the tenant of the Brunswick domain Calvörde, in 1833 he acquired the Schladen estate near Krusemark. Nothing is known about her artistic training. Numerous Schloezeriana drawings and paintings have come down to us from her.

In 1852 she married the Russian consul of Stettin Nestor von Schlözer in Blankenburg ; for this it was the second marriage. From this marriage came two sons, Karl (1854–1916), diplomat and writer, and Leopold (1859–1946), major and writer. Schlözer engaged Wilhelm Wisser as their private tutor. In 1873, at his request, these sons were released from their Russian subjects. After Schlözer's retirement in 1859, the family lived on Gut Rothensande on Kellersee near Malente . In 1875 the couple moved to Dresden.

The Coburg court official and theater director Gustav von Meyern-Hohenberg was her older brother, her younger sister Wilhelmine married Georg Ferdinand von Lepel in his third marriage. She was a sister-in-law of Kurd von Schlözer , of whom she made a drawing that was printed in the book Römischebriefe von Kurd von Schlözer, 1864-1869 .


Web links

Commons : Luise von Schlözer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. The literature gives a colorful potpourri of their life dates: Thieme-Becker alone offers April 17, 1815 and February 20, 1823 in Coburg as the place of birth. Dates of death at Thieme-Becker: October 16, 1865 in Coburg; here are their dates based on the biography of her husband Friedrich Hassenstein. However, there are (almost at the same time) two female painters named L [o] uise von Meyern-Hohenberg who are consistently confused with one another; the data offered by Thieme-Becker therefore belong to two different people, this person and Louise von Meyern-Hohenberg . The confusion continues up to Jochen Schmidt-Liebich (2005), who obviously did not have the new biography of Nestor von Schlözer. The personal data of the GND are imprecise.
  2. Rudi Fischer: 800 years Calvörde - a chronicle until 1991.
  3. ^ Roman letters from Kurd von Schlözer, 1864–1869 . Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart 1913 ( ).