The gypsy life is funny

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The Gypsy Life is Funny is a German folk song that, according to most sources , is said to come from Alsace , Silesia or Tyrol and whose emergence can be traced back to the middle of the 19th century. The first oral records of the song, which are kept in the German Folksong Archive, come from Hesse, dated 1824, and from Silesia, dated 1829.

The song romanticizes the life of the ethnic group known at the time as gypsies , which is now called Sinti and Roma . In 1924, Franz Hillmann published a singspiel of the same name , in which students wanted to dissuade their aunt and niece from their enthusiasm for gypsy life.


\ new Staff << \ new Voice \ relative c '' {\ autoBeamOff \ language "deutsch" \ tempo 4 = 120 \ set Score.tempoHideNote = ## t \ key c \ major \ time 6/8 \ repeat unfold 2 { g4 g8 gag e4 e8 e (d) e f8.  f16 f8 g8.  g16 g8 e4. ~ e8 rr} c'4 c8 cha a4 g8 g4 r8 a4 a16 a a8 (g) f f4 e8 e4 r8 g8.  g16 g8 gah c8.  c16 c8 chc d8.  d16 d8 hah c4. ~ c8 rr \ bar "|."  } \ addlyrics {Funny is the Zi - geu - ner - life, fa - ri - a, fa - ri - a, ho.  Don't need to give the emperor any interest, fa-ri-a, fa-ri-a, ho.  It is amusing in the green forest, where the ginger is staying, \ set stanza = # "1-7:" Fa - ri - a, fa - ri - a, fa - ri - a, fa - ri - a, fa - ri - a, fa - ri - a, ho.  } >>

Cover versions

The song was recorded by pop singers such as Heintje , Tony Marshall and Heino and music groups such as the Medium Terzett and the Kirmesmusikanten . In 1989 Mike Krüger published a cover version of the song on his album Ua Ua Ua with parodying text and the modified refrain Lustig ist das Zigeunerschnitzel , which can be heard in the medley Lustig ist das Zigeunerschnitzel . The song was performed in 1991 on the ZDF-broadcast Mike Krüger Show and, according to Der Spiegel magazine, can be classified under " flashes of inspiration that are hostile to laughter ".


Due to the derogatory connotation of the term gypsy , singing this song is subject to critical reflection. It is u. a. refers to the cynical line of verse “It is funny in Buchenwald, where the gypsy stay”, with which the murder of the Sinti and Roma in the Buchenwald concentration camp was mocked at the time of National Socialism .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Funny is gypsy life on
  2. Otto Holzapfel : Lied index: The older German-language popular song tradition ( online version on the Volksmusikarchiv homepage of the Upper Bavaria district ; in PDF format; ongoing updates) with further information.
  3. The Roma. Between Antiziganism and Integration , 2.2.3 The romanticizing "Gypsy" stereotype and the symbol of the "noble" savage, p. 23 (PDF; 1.4 MB)
  4. ^ Franz Hillmann , biography and estate in the portal
  5. ^ Franz Hillmanns Gypsy Life is Funny : DNB 580188698 in the catalog of the German National Library on
  6. ^ Franz Hillmann: Funny is the gypsy life: Heiteres Volksstück mit Gesang in 4 Aufz , Wulf, 1924 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  7. ^ Claudia Breger: Plainness of the foreign . Böhlau, Köln 1998, ISBN 3-412-08597-9 , p. 174 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  8. Tony Marshall
  9. Medium trio
  10. Fair musicians
  11. Mike Kruger albums
  12. The gypsy schnitzel is funny on
  13. Who should stand in our way? In: Der Spiegel . No. 41 , 1991, pp. 262-271 ( Online - Nov. 25, 1991 ).
  14. Folk song archive . Retrieved April 26, 2018