Müller & Son

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Müller & Son
The miller's boys on the move
The miller's boys on the move
Game data
author Reinhold Wittig
graphic Matthias Wittig
publishing company Edition Guinea Fowl (1985),
Franckh Games Gallery (1986)
Publishing year 1985, 1986
Art Strategy and luck
Teammates 2 to 6
Duration 40 to 60 minutes
Age from 8 years


Game of the Year 1986: Special Prize "Beautiful Game"

Müller & Sohn is a board game by Reinhold Wittig .

The presentation and the graphics, which were awarded the prize for the most beautiful game as part of the 1986 game, came from Matthias Wittig . The game was published in 1985 by Wittigs Verlag Edition Perlhuhn and in 1986 by Franckh Kosmos Verlag in the Edition Perlhuhn series published from 1986 to 1990 and, according to their statements, is suitable for people between the ages of 8 and 99.

Material and participants

The contents of the game box are stated:

  • 1 cube
  • a game plan
  • 12 sacks of flour (characters as miller's boys)
  • 68 millstones (checkers)
  • 70 event cards

Up to six players can take part. The aim of the game of dice, which is played on a circuit, is to be the first master miller to be able to build two mills. For this you need millstones in the form of game stones, which have to be acquired in the course of the game by the two miller's boys, which are available to each player in the form of flour sacks. The gameplay revolves around strategy, luck and, with the event cards, sometimes also around skill.


Game components Müller and Son

The millstones are acquired in different ways. Once you automatically get a stone if you cross the previously determined border on one of the two curves of the playing field. On the other hand, if you meet a figure of a fellow player on the field and chat with him , you always get a stone from him. In addition, there are event cards that not only contain a proverb or a phrase in connection with windmills , but also instructions to individual or all players on how to win a millstone. For example, it says: “If the donkey gets too comfortable, it goes dancing on the ice. Challenge a fellow player to a dance. He is happy and pays you a millstone. ”According to another instruction, all players start blowing the mill wind by blowing on command . Whoever blows the longest receives a stone as a reward.

Goal and target group

So you win and lose stones in the course of time until you have enough of them to retire with two mills. 14 stones are required for the first mill, the second is obtained when you have seven stones, since after the first mill you can only move one miller's boy. As soon as one has achieved this goal, the game is over. A game lasts an average of 45 to 60 minutes. The game is particularly suitable to loosen up a willing company of children, but above all adults (preferably four or more people).

The graphics on the map show mills from all over Europe. The event cards offer a lot of interesting information about the time of the hikers .

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