Essen-Karnap waste-to-energy plant

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Essen-Karnap waste-to-energy plant
Essen-Karnap waste-to-energy plant
Essen-Karnap waste-to-energy plant
Essen-Karnap waste-to-energy plant (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Essen-Karnap waste-to-energy plant
Coordinates 51 ° 30 '58 "  N , 6 ° 59' 58"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 30 '58 "  N , 6 ° 59' 58"  E
country Germany
Type Waste incineration plant
fuel residual waste
power 48 MW
operator RWE
Start of operations 1987
Chimney height 200 m

The Essen-Karnap waste-to-energy plant is a waste incineration plant operated by RWE in the Essen district of Karnap . It burns up to 3500 tonnes of household waste , commercial waste similar to household waste and bulky waste from the cities of Essen, Bottrop , Gelsenkirchen , Gladbeck and Mülheim an der Ruhr every day . The power plant installed in this facility has an output of 48 megawatts. The plant's chimney is 200 meters high and the tallest structure in Essen.


At the Essen-Karnap location, RWE built a hard coal power station in 1939 , which was also used to incinerate waste from 1963. In 1981, the operator expanded the plant to include heating output on the Ruhr district heating system. The old system was replaced in 1987 by the current waste incineration plant . After the installation of a fourth combustion boiler in 1993, the annual incineration capacity rose from around 560,000 tons to 740,000 tons. Two years later, additional flue gas cleaning systems were put into operation in order to be able to comply with stricter emission limits. In 1997 an evaporation plant was installed, which means that no more waste water is produced in the power plant. Until then, these had been cleaned and fed into the Emscher .

Web links

Commons : Müllheizkraftwerk Essen-Karnap  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Essen-Karnap waste-to-energy plant, RWE Power AG, p. 18 rwe-power-ag, accessed on April 17, 2014.
  2. Essen-Karnap waste-to-energy plant, RWE Power AG, p. 4–5 rwe-power-ag, accessed on April 17, 2014.