Magdeburg-Rothensee waste-to-energy plant

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Magdeburg-Rothensee waste-to-energy plant
Magdeburg-Rothensee waste-to-energy plant
Magdeburg-Rothensee waste-to-energy plant
Magdeburg-Rothensee waste-to-energy plant (Saxony-Anhalt)
Magdeburg-Rothensee waste-to-energy plant
Coordinates 52 ° 11 '8 "  N , 11 ° 40' 44"  E Coordinates: 52 ° 11 '8 "  N , 11 ° 40' 44"  E
country GermanyGermany Germany
Type Waste incineration plant
fuel waste
power 2 × 33.6 megawatts (gross)
operator E.ON , SWM
Start of operations June 2005
turbine 2 extraction condensing turbines
Energy fed in per year electrical : 370 GWh
thermal : 350 GWh

The Magdeburg-Rothensee waste-to-energy plant is located in Magdeburg, the capital of Saxony-Anhalt, in the Rothensee district .

In June 2005, the power plant with two incineration lines was opened in the Rothensee industrial area directly at Magdeburg harbor and near the A 2 . After an expansion to four lines in September 2006, a total of around 250 million euros flowed into the project.

Every year over 650,000 tons of residual waste are processed in the plant. The two garbage bunkers each have a volume of 12,000 m³, each with six tipping points and a total of four overhead cranes. The 4- pass natural circulation boilers each have a heating surface of 7,130 m² and generate a superheated steam volume of 77.7 t / h each. The two extraction condensation turbines each have a gross output of 33.6  MW . 370 GWh of electrical energy and 350 GWh of thermal energy are available  annually to supply over 44,000 households.

The system also has a flue gas cleaning system that reduces the emission of pollutants such as dioxins and furans .

Individual evidence

  1. enterprise information MHKW Magdeburg Rothensee at
  2. Information brochure MHKW Magdeburg-Rothensee (PDF)

Web links