Machhu II

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Machhu II
Location: India , Saurashtra peninsula
Tributaries: Machhu
Larger cities on the shore: Vaghasiya
Major cities nearby: Morvi
Machhu II (Gujarat)
Machhu II
Coordinates 22 ° 40 '40 "  N , 70 ° 54' 58"  E Coordinates: 22 ° 40 '40 "  N , 70 ° 54' 58"  E
Data on the structure
Construction time: 1972
Height of the structure crown: 26 m
Building volume: 1,105,000 m³
Crown length: 3 905  m

August 11, 1979: up to 2500 dead; Building partially destroyed

The Machhu II Dam is one of two dams on the Machhu River in the Indian state of Gujarat . The 26 m high structure was completed in 1972 near Morvi on the Saurashtra peninsula .

Machhu II apparently had a gravity dam as a barrier structure with a flood relief in the middle and earth dams on both sides. Further data of the dam:

  • Crown length: 3905 m
  • Dam volume: 1,105,000 m³
  • Storage volume: 100 million m³

In August 1979 there were heavy rains and storms there. In 24 hours fell 525 mm of precipitation. This generated a discharge of 13,400 m³ / s, twice as much as the flood discharge could discharge. So the water kept rising until it overflowed the dam half a meter high. The dam was flooded and the dam was washed away on both sides of the valley, so that only the gravity dam remained. The structure collapsed on August 11, 1979. There were more than 2000 deaths, possibly up to 2500. The total number of deaths from the storms was around 30,000. Property damage was $ 15 million.

The cause of the damage was flooding due to the insufficiently dimensioned hydraulic systems. The design flood was later increased to 26,000 m³ / s based on the experience of another storm that occurred in 1983.

Other dam disasters in India

See also


  • Operation, Monitoring and Decommissioning of Large Dams in India, Dr. VP Jauhari, paper of the World Commission on Dams, December 1999
  • India's Worst Dam Disaster . Water Power & Dam Construction, October 1979

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