Madeline Winkler-Betzendahl

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Madeline Winkler-Betzendahl (* 1899 in Berlin ; † 1995 in Stuttgart ) was a German photographer .

Life and works

Signature 1921

Madeline Winkler was the daughter of a British mother and a German father. The doctor's daughter first studied painting in Berlin and Paris . After the Nazi policy began to act against so-called “degenerate art”, she saw no future in it and began to take photos , initially as an autodidact . This was followed by training as a photo reporter in the Association of the German Press in Berlin; Madeline Winkler passed the exam in 1942. As a photographer, she concentrated on “non-political” theater photography. She became known through pictures from a Clavigo production with Will Quadflieg in the lead role. She then became the in-house photographer of the Schiller Theater , but occasionally also worked for other theaters in Berlin. During the Second World War she married the naval officer Rudolf Betzendahl (1892–1978). Before the effects of the bombing war, she fled to southern Germany. While her archive was lost, she was able to save two Leica cameras and resumed her work in Stuttgart with fashion shoots for Deutsche Illustrierte before she became in-house photographer at the Stuttgart Chamber Theater . From 1948 to 1982 she had a permanent contract with the Württemberg State Theater . In addition to actors, she often portrayed writers; Among other things, she documented Thomas Mann's visit to Stuttgart in 1955. The Stuttgarter Zeitung employed Madeline Winkler-Betzendahl from 1960 as a theater photographer. Many of her pictures were published in theaters today . The Süddeutsche Rundfunk broadcast in 1986 It remembers: Madeline Winkler-Betzendahl :

Madeline Winkler-Betzendahl's archive is mostly located in the Deutsches Theatermuseum in Munich . The German Literature Archive in Marbach am Neckar keeps some of the photographer's portraits of writers.


Individual evidence

  1. Sea, engineering, naval artillery, liaison and medical officers of the Reich and Kriegsmarine and documents on Lohmann / Hildebrand: letters Be - Boh , signature: BArch, MSG 225/121, from: Hans Hildebrand, collection on history, organization and staffing of the German navies from the 17th to the 20th century , s.