Maks Wraber

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Maks Wraber (born September 16, 1905 in Kapla na Kozjaku , † May 14, 1972 in Ljubljana ) was a Yugoslav vegetation expert and plant sociologist .


Wraber grew up in his birthplace, a small Slovenian village on the Possruck, as the son of a large family. After attending the humanistic grammar school in Maribor , he graduated from high school in 1925 and then studied natural sciences at the University of Ljubljana . There he graduated from there in 1930 and then studied at the University of Munich . In 1933 he received his doctorate with a dissertation at the University of Ljubljana.

During his studies he came into contact with plant sociology and in 1935/1936 attended Josias Braun-Blanquet's station Internationale de Géobotanique Méditerranéenne et Alpine (= SIGMA) in Montpellier .

His endeavors to pass on the plant-sociological knowledge in his homeland to farmers, alpine farmers and foresters failed and so he initially managed to get by with fee-based work in the National Museum in Ljubljana and then as a high school professor at the secondary school in Bjelovar (Croatia). Later he was a teacher at a secondary school in Ljubljana and also a lecturer at the chemical department of the Technical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana.

In 1955 he was appointed to the Institute of Biology of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences (SAZU), where he was entrusted with the systematic study of the vegetation cover in Slovenia. In 1959 he became a leading member of the East Alpine-Dinaric Society for Vegetation Science in Klagenfurt .

In addition to vegetation mapping, Wraber has also worked on practical aspects of plant sociology, for example in the area of ​​living structures, as his lectures and work show: " Plant sociology as a helper in the fight against erosion and floods ", " Influence of vegetation and land use on floods, mudslides , Avalanche events and landslides ”or“ The flysch area in Slovenian Istria - a scene of erosion and torrent activity ”.

His son Tone Wraber (1938-2010) was also a botanist and professor of vegetation at the University of Ljubljana.

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