Malte Steinbrink

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Malte Steinbrink (* 1971 in Kiel ) is a German geographer.


Malte Steinbrink studied geography, sociology , business administration and psychology at the Universities of Kassel and Osnabrück . After working as a consultant for GIZ in Zambia , he worked as a research assistant at the Universities of Potsdam , Bayreuth and Osnabrück, where he received his doctorate in 2008 . He is a member of the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) and a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Tourism and Hospitality, University of Johannesburg . In 2015 Steinbrink obtained the venia legendi for geography with his habilitation. After a substitute for a professorship in Potsdam and a visiting professorship at the University of Vienna, he accepted the chair for anthropogeography at the University of Passau in 2018 .

The research interests of the social and cultural geographer include geographic development and mobility research (especially migration and translocality) with a special focus on social inequalities and urban development processes in countries in the Global South. The geographical observation of science and the knowledge of the social network analysis are further focal points of his work. Southern Africa is a regional focus of his empirical work .

Fonts (selection)

  • with Manfred Rolfes and Christina Uhl: Townships as attraction. An empirical study of township tourism in Cape Town . Potsdam 2009, ISBN 978-3-940793-79-9 .
  • Life between the countryside and the city. Migration, Translocality, and Vulnerability in South Africa . Wiesbaden 2009, ISBN 978-3-531-16329-1 .
  • with Christoph Haferburg: Mega event and urban development in the Global South. The 2010 World Cup and its impulses for South Africa. Frankfurt a. M. 2010. ISBN 978-3-86099-645-4 .
  • with Fabian Frenzel and Ko Koens: Slum Tourism - Poverty, Power and Ethics . London [u. a.] 2012. ISBN 978-0-415-69878-8 .
  • with Jan-Berent Schmidt and Philipp Aufenvenne: Social network analysis for human geographers. Introduction to UCINET and NetDraw in five steps . Potsdam 2013, ISBN 978-3-86956-244-5 .
  • with Michael Buning, Martin Legant, Berenike Schauwinhold, Tore Süßenguth: Touring Katutura! Poverty, Tourism and Poverty Tourism in Windhoek, Namibia . Potsdam 2016, ISBN 978-3-86956-384-8 .
  • with Hannah Niedenführ: Africa in Motion. Translocal Livelihoods and Rural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa . Bielefeld 2017, ISBN 3-8376-3833-2 .
  • with Hannah Niedenführ: Africa on the Move. Migration, Translocal Livelihoods and Rural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa . Berlin / Heidelberg 2020. ISBN 3-03022840-1 ; ISBN 978-3-03022840-8

Web links

Individual evidence

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