Mamercus Aemilius

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Mamercus Aemilius was a politician of the Roman Republic from the Gens Aemilia . He dressed in the 30s of the 5th century BC. Various high offices.

Livy characterizes Mamercus Aemilius as "a man of the highest dignity" ( vir summae dignitatis ), who lived in 438 BC. Was elected to the military tribune with consular authority. In the following year Aemilius officiated as dictator ( dictator rei gerundae causa ) and commanded Rome's Second War against Veji against the inhabitants of Veii and Fidenae . After the victory, he held a triumphal procession .

Aemilius was a second time in 434 BC. Used as dictator to establish legal provisions for the censorship introduced ten years earlier . He reduced the maximum term of office from five years to 18 months and was transferred to the Aerarians by the later censors (that is, he had to pay higher taxes). For the year 426 BC In BC Livy passed on a third dictatorship of Mamercus Aemilius, during which he again defeated the city of Fidenae and led another triumphal procession. This news is considered fictitious by research.

According to the tradition in Livius Mamercus, his full name is Aemilius M. f. Later tradition ascribes the cognomen Mamercinus or Macerinus to him, but this is not attested. Diodorus gives his first name differently as Manius .


Individual evidence

  1. Liv. IV 16, 8
  2. Liv. V 31-34.