Mamostong Kangri

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Mamostong Kangri
height 7516  m
location Ladakh ( India )
Mountains Rimo Muztagh ( Karakoram )
Dominance 34.48 km →  Saser Kangri
Notch height 1803 m
Coordinates 35 ° 8 '30 "  N , 77 ° 34' 39"  E Coordinates: 35 ° 8 '30 "  N , 77 ° 34' 39"  E
Mamostong Kangri (Ladakh)
Mamostong Kangri
First ascent September 13, 1984 by an Indo-Japanese expedition

Mamostong Kangri or Mamostang Kangri is the highest peak of the Rimo Muztagh , a part of the Karakoram .

Location and characteristics

The Mamostong Kangri is located in India near the disputed border with Pakistan , about 30 km southeast of the Siachen Glacier . It is the 48th highest, independent summit in the world (with a height of over 500 m). Many glaciers such as the Southern Chong-Kumdan, the Kichik-Kumdan- ( Thangman- ), the Mamostong and the Southern Terong Glaciers cover the slopes of the Mamostong Kangri.

Ascent history

The Mamostong Kangri has not seen many climbers because of its remote location and the precarious political and military situation of its area. The first European exploration of the summit took place in 1907 by Arthur Neve and DG Oliver. The first ascent was not successful until 1984, an Indo-Japanese expedition over the northeast ridge after a complicated approach. The summit team comprised N. Yamada, K. Yoshida, R. Sharma, P. Das and H. Chauhan . The Himalayan Index has four more ascents to the summit, but two of these listings could be the same ascent.


  • Jerzy Wala, Orographical Sketch Map of the Karakoram , Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research, Zurich, 1990.
  • Jill Neate, High Asia: an illustrated history of the 7,000 meter peaks , The Mountaineers, 1989.

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