Manfred Bial

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Manfred Bial (born December 10, 1869 in Breslau ; † May 26, 1908 in Monaco ) was a German doctor in Bad Kissingen .


Manfred Bial, son of Max Bial (1842-1902), studied medicine and received his doctorate for Dr. med .

He was an external assistant (external assistant) at the Kaiserin Augusta Hospital in Berlin .

Bial was buried in the family grave in the old Jewish cemetery in Wroclaw.


He developed a chemical pentose test that uses orcine , the bial probe named after him in his honor.


  • cand. med. ; Eduard Pflüger (editor); from the Physiological Institute in Breslau (Poland): Manfred Bial: A contribution to the physiology of the kidney. In: Pflüger, archive for the total physiology of humans and animals. 47, 1890, pp. 116-124, doi : 10.1007 / BF01789807 .
  • Eduard Pflüger (editor): From the physiological institute in Breslau: Manfred Bial: About the diastatic effect of blood and lymph serum. In: Pflüger, archive for the total physiology of humans and animals. 52, 1892, pp. 137-156, doi : 10.1007 / BF01661879 .
  • Eduard Pflüger (editor): Manfred Bial: About the relationship of the diastatic ferment of the blood and the lymph to sugar formation in the liver. In: Pflüger, archive for the total physiology of humans and animals. 55, 1893, pp. 434-468, doi : 10.1007 / BF01662630 .
  • From the physiological institute in Breslau: Manfred Bial: Further observations on the diastatic ferment of the blood. In: Pflüger, archive for the total physiology of humans and animals. 53, 1893, pp. 156-170, doi : 10.1007 / BF01667134 .
  • From the Physiological Institute in Breslau: Manfred Bial: Another contribution to the chemistry of the sugar-forming blood enzyme. In: Pflüger, archive for the total physiology of humans and animals. 54, 1893, pp. 72-80, doi : 10.1007 / BF01795427 .
  • From the inner department of the Augusta Hospital in Berlin: Manfred Bial: About the mechanism of gas fermentation in gastric juice. In: Archives for Experimental Pathology and Pharmacology. 38, 1896, pp. 1-34, doi : 10.1007 / BF01824064 .
  • "About the antiseptic function of the H-ion of dilute acids". Journal for physical chemistry, 40, 513, 1902. pp. 503 ff. (22 pp.).
  • "Is the sugar formation in the liver a function of diastatic enzymes or a vital activity of the liver cells?" Archives for Physiology, 3/4, 1901. pp. 249–255.
  • Kissingen; from the laboratory of the I. Medical University Clinic in Berlin (Director: ' Geh. Med.-Rath ' von Leyden): The diagnosis of pentosuria (held after a demonstration in the Association for Internal Medicine on March 17, 1902). In: DMW - German Medical Weekly. 28, 1902, pp. 253-254, doi : 10.1055 / s-0029-1203493 .
  • From the special physiological department of the Physiological Institute in Berlin: "About the finding of paired glucuronic acid in the bile" ( online ; received by the editorial staff on May 26, 1905). Hoppe-Seylers Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie , 45, 3–4, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1905. pp. 258–264. doi : 10.1515 / bchm2.1905.45.3-4.258 .
  • From the special physiological department of the Physiological Institute in Berlin: Manfred Bial: Comments and experiments on the work of Wandel: On the pathology of lysol and cresol poisoning. In: Archives for Experimental Pathology and Pharmacology. 56, 1907, pp. 416-419, doi : 10.1007 / BF01846064 .
  • Chronic pentosuria. Fischer-Verlag, Berlin 1907. 27 pp.

Individual evidence