Manfred Zimmermann (Physiologist)

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Manfred Zimmermann (born November 5, 1933 in Herxheim near Landau / Pfalz ) is a former German pain researcher.


After graduating from high school in 1953 at the Natural Science High School in Landau in the Palatinate (today: Otto-Hahn High School ), he studied physics at the Technical University of Karlsruhe from 1953 to 1959 (1959 diploma). There he received his doctorate in 1965 as Dr.-Ing. with the dissertation "Effect of X-rays on the conduction of excitation of cold-blooded nerves".

From 1964 to 1969 he worked as a research assistant at the II. Physiological Institute of the University of Heidelberg , Medical Faculty under Wolfgang Trautwein.

In 1968, as a young researcher, he succeeded in refuting the recently published gate control theory on one essential point. In 1969 he received his habilitation in physiology at the Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg, on "Presynaptic inhibition of the cutaneous nerves in the spinal cord : Biophysics and functional structure" 1971–1999 he was head of the Department of Physiology of the Central Nervous System and Deputy Director of the Second Physiological Institute, Heidelberg University . 1973 Zimmermann received a professorship for physiology at the Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg.

Zimmermann has been a founding member and board member of the German Society for the Study of Pain (DGSS) since 1975; 1985–1996 President of the Society; 1997–1999 advisory board member of the company. He was the organizer of several annual congresses from 1980 to 1995.

After working for the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) in other scientific societies, he was a visiting professor at Monash University , Melbourne , Australia from 1973–1974 . In 1983 and 1992 he was visiting professor at the Wuhan Medical School , China and 1985 visiting professor at the University of Siena , Italy. In 1999 he retired.


  • 1978: Pischinger Prize of the Austrian Acupuncture Society Vienna
  • 1985: René Leriche Prize from the Academy for Neural Therapy Speyer
  • 1988: Honorary award from the Pain Therapy Colloquium in Frankfurt
  • 1994: Award of the honorary doctorate "Dott. Med. Et chir. Honoris causa" by the University of Siena, Italy
  • 1996: Rudolf Frey Prize of the Bremen Pain Society
  • 1998: Bayer Career Award Milano
  • 2003: Honorary Award of the Pain Therapy Colloquium in Frankfurt
  • 2004: Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon


There are 880 publications by Zimmermann, mainly on the following topics: neural mechanisms of pain and pain inhibition , de- and regeneration in the nervous system, induced transcription and plasticity in the nervous system as mechanisms of neuronal pathophysiology, apoptosis and neuroprotection after trauma and ischemia in the central nervous system and on health policy and epidemiological aspects of pain therapy care. Since 1984 he has been the editor (with HO Handwerker) of the first German-language pain textbook "Pain - Concepts and Medical Action" (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg), in 1988 Italian edition (Fogliazza Editore, Milano). Since 1974 he has been editor-in-chief of the international journal Neuroscience Letters, Elsevier Verlag, Amsterdam, with around 1000 works in 19 volumes published annually

  • Zenz, Jurna: Pain Therapy, WVG Stuttgart, 1993 (Author)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Biographical data of Manfred Zimmermann in: Who is who - The German Who's Who 2000/2001 . 39th edition, Schmidt-Römhild, Verlagsgruppe Beleke, Lübeck 2000, p. 1578, ISBN 978-3-7950-2029-3 .