Maranthes goetzeniana

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Maranthes goetzeniana
Eurosiden I
Order : Malpighiales (Malpighiales)
Family : Gold plum family (Chrysobalanaceae)
Tribe : Couepieae
Genre : Maranthes
Type : Maranthes goetzeniana
Scientific name
Maranthes goetzeniana
( Engl. ) Prance

Maranthes goetzeniana is a tree in the golden plum family from southeastern Africa, Mozambique , Tanzania, and Zimbabwe .


Maranthes goetzeniana grows as an evergreen tree to over 35 meters high. The trunk diameter reaches over 120 centimeters. The grayish bark is relatively smooth and finely cracked to scaly.

The simple, short-stalked and leathery leaves are alternate. The short petiole is up to 0.9 inches long. They are ovate to elliptical, lanceolate, up to 15 centimeters long and up to 8 centimeters wide, entire, glabrous and pointed to pointed. The nerve is pinnate with fine lateral veins that converge intramarginally. The small stipules are sloping. There may be glands on the upper petiole.

Terminal and umbrella-like , broad, fine-haired, multi-flowered inflorescences are formed. The small, green-whitish and hermaphroditic, five-fold flowers with a double flower envelope are petiolate. The flowers sit on a "joint". The upside-down conical, partially slightly curved flower cup and the small sepals are green and have fine hairs on the outside. The petals are about 0.8 inches long. There are many (50) free and filamentous stamens . The two-chamber ovary in the upper flower cup is densely hairy with a long, slender stylus with a small stigma . The inside of the flower cup is lined with nectar tissue.

Up to 3–4.5 centimeters long, egg-shaped to ellipsoidal and yellow-green, bald drupes are formed. The large, hard and thick- shelled stone core has a fibrous, rough textured endocarp and two small germ covers (operculum).

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 20.


The fleshy fruits and seeds are edible.

The heavy, right hard, moderately resistant wood is used for various applications.


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Individual evidence

  1. RHMJ Lemmens, D. Louppe, AA Oteng-Amoako: Plant Resources of Tropical Africa. 7 (2): Timbers 2 , PROTA, 2012, ISBN 978-92-9081-495-5 , p. 452.