Marc Bühler

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Marc Bühler

Marc Bühler (* 1976 in Bretten ) is a German trumpeter.

Bühler studied trumpet at the Stuttgart University of Music with Wolfgang Bauer and attended master classes with German Brass and Hannes Läubin .

Concert career

Marc Bühler is a freelance trumpet soloist, gives concerts in Germany and abroad and is a guest soloist in various orchestras and chamber music ensembles. Concert tours have taken him to Norway, Finland, Hungary and Austria. In 2001, he and Timo Handschuh founded a trumpet and organ duo that performs in Germany and abroad. In his homeland, the Kraichgau , he often plays with his trumpet ensemble in cantatas and oratorios in Maulbronn Monastery under the direction of Jürgen Budday . In addition, he has already participated in many CD and radio recordings. Marc Bühler has been a lecturer at the University of Education in Karlsruhe since October 2006 in the subjects of trumpet and chamber wind music.


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