Marc Caussidière

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Caussidière 1848

Marc Caussidière (born May 18, 1808 in Geneva , † January 27, 1861 in Paris ) was a politician of the French republican movement.


Caussidière worked as a clerk in Saint-Étienne and took part in the second silk weavers' uprising in Lyon in 1834. His brother was killed in this uprising. Marc Caussidière was sentenced to 20 years in exile. After receiving an amnesty in 1837, he became a wine merchant. On his business trips, he also sold the progressive magazine La Réforme .

During the February Revolution of 1848 he took part in the barricade fighting, led the occupation of the police prefecture and was appointed police prefect by the provisional government of the Second French Republic .

He replaced the city ​​sergeants with the Paris Guard and created the People's Guard , made up of the recently liberated revolutionaries. The People's Guard consisted of the four companies La Montagnarde , Saint-Just , De Février and Morisset . At the beginning of May 1848, the executive commission tried in vain to dissolve the police prefecture. After the failure of the republican occupation of the National Assembly on May 15, 1848, Caussidière was released from his duties as prefect of the police by the executive commission. He resigned his mandate as a member of the Constituent Assembly. He was re-elected in the by-elections in early June, but after the bloody suppression of the June uprising of 1848 he had to flee. He emigrated first to England and then to the United States, where he resumed his work as a wine merchant. In absentia, Caussidière was sentenced to exile by the high court in Bourges for participating in the occupation of May 15, 1848, and returned to France after the amnesty in 1859.


  • Mémoires , 1848.


  • Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels : Review too
    • Adolphe Chenu : Les Conspirateurs. Ex-capitaine des gardes du citoyen Caussidière - Les sociétés secrètes. La préfecture de police sous Caussidière. Les corps-francs. Paris 1850,
    • Lucien de la Hodde : La naissance de la République en Févier 1848. Paris 1850,
In: Neue Rheinische Zeitung . Political-economic review. fourth issue, April 1850, MEW Volume 7, p. 266 ff.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. according to the authority data set of the BNF in Lyon , not Geneva