Marco Koskas

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Marco Koskas (born September 3, 1951 in the French colony of Tunisia ) is a French writer.


Marco Koskas came to France as a pied noir at the age of eleven and attended the Lycée in Saint-Cloud . He made his living as a private detective and wrote as a freelance journalist for various magazines. In 1979 he received the Prix ​​du premier roman for Balace Bounel . From 1980 to 1982 he was a fellow at the Villa Médici in Rome .

Kostas Theater editing Israel Zangwill's novel Le Roi des Schnorrer in 1995 at the Festival d'Avignon staged. Faced with anti-Semitism in France, Kostas emigrated to Israel in 2011 and lives in Tel-Aviv . In March 2012, he published an article in the Jerusalem Post after the French newspapers refused to print it.

His novel Bande de Français was nominated for the Prix ​​Renaudot on the longlist in 2018 . Since the traditional publishers did not want to take over the novel, Koskas self-published it and sells it on Amazon . This in turn led to protests from the French publishing industry.

Works (selection)

  • Balace Bounel , Ramsay, 1979
  • Destino , Grasset, 1981
  • L'Homme de paille , Calmann Levy, 1988
  • L'Étrangère . Narrative. Calmann Levy, 1988
    • For you, Jamal . Translation by René Blum. Bergisch Gladbach: Lübbe, 1992
  • La Position Tango . Paris: Lattès, 1990
  • Albert Schweitzer ou le demon du bien . Biography. Paris: Lattès, 1992
  • Arafat ou le palestinian imaginaire . Biography. Paris: Lattès, 1994
  • J'ai pas fermé l'œil de l'été , Julliard, 1995
  • L'Hindou assis sur son trésor . Paris: Lattès, 1997
    • The paper labyrinth: novel . Translation Anne Büchel. Bern: Fretz and Wasmuth, 1998
  • Le Roi des Schnorrers . Drama. Lansmann, 2002
  • Love and stress , Laffont, 2002
  • Avoue d'abord , La Table Ronde, 2007
  • Aline, pour qu'elle revienne . Novel. éditions Baleine, 2009
  • Mon coeur de père . Diary. Fayard, 2012
  • Ivresse you reproche . Roman, Fayard, 2013
  • Bande de Français . Novel. Amazon, 2018

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Marco Koskas: Peut-on encore être un écrivain juif en France? in: Jerusalem Post, May 22, 2012
  2. Littérature: Le Franco-Israélien Marco Koskas crée la surprise au Prix Renaudot , Times of Israel, September 9, 2018
  3. YES: double scandal. France argues over an Israel novel , in: FAZ, September 20, 2018, p. 11