Marco Pisa

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Marco Pisa (* 1926 ) is an Italian diplomat in retirement .

He married Virginia Wenworth Pellett they have two daughters and one son. In 1950 he received his doctorate in law from La Sapienza University .


He joined the foreign service in 1951. From 1961 to 1964 he was a delegation counselor next to the UN headquarters in New York City . From 1964 to 1967 he was Head of Department 1 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 1967 to 1972, during the Greek military dictatorship , he was Counselor in Athens .

From 1972 to 1974 he was a delegation counselor in Beijing. From 1974 to 1977 he was employed in the personnel department, which he took over as head in 1977.

From 1977 to 1978 he was Inspector General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Italy) .

From 1978 to 1983 he was permanent representative of the Italian government to the Council of Europe .

From 1983 to January 11, 1989 he was ambassador to Athens .


Admission to the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic , as well as a Grand Officer in the Order of Honor of the Hellenic Republic

Individual evidence

  1. BARBARA. - (A propos de l'arrêt -), par MARCO PISA, docteur en droit: 1950, 1174. A propos de l'arrêt BARBARA Marco Pisa, [1] MISCELLANEOUS In connection with the Barbara Judgment by Marco Pisa Docteur en Droit I - Matrimonial legislation, on the judgment in the case of Dame Barbara v. Messina, Cass. Civ., Dec. 7, 1949, by Marco Pisa Docteur en Droit: I. In connection with the Barbara Judgment by Marco Pisa Docteur en Droit I. - Matrimonial legislation, as now applied in Italy has given rise to some interesting discussions on the validity, from the civil standpoint, of purely [2]
  2. Baldassare Conticello, Scuola d'archeologo, p. 359
  3. ^ Daily Report: People's Republic of China, United States. Foreign Broadcast Information Service, US Foreign Broadcast Information Service, 1973, p. 359
  4. Alessandro Pertini , March 18, 1983, Ambasciatore Marco PISA, Rappresentante Permanente italiano presso il Consiglio d'Europa, [3] [4]
  5. The International Year Book and Statesmen's Who's Who, 1992, p. 492 ; 1998: p. 1128
predecessor Office successor
Gherardo Cornaggia Medici Castiglioni Permanent representative of the Italian government to the Council of Europe
Paolo Massimo Antici
Remo Paolini Italian Ambassador to Athens
Michelangelo Jacobucci