Remo Paolini

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Remo Paolini (born June 17, 1921 in Rome , † October 9, 2012 in Rome ) was an Italian diplomat .


In 1945 he graduated from the University of Rome with a law degree . In 1948 he entered the foreign service, was assigned to the consular attache and the contract office. In 1949 he became the first class secretary of the embassy in Tirana . In 1951 he was second class envoy to the Holy See. In 1953 he was second class envoy to New Delhi . In 1955 he was consul in Mendoza (Argentina) . In 1957 he was appointed First Class Secretary and Counselor. In 1958 he headed Department 5. Migration. In 1963 he became counselor in The Hague . In 1966 he became counselor in Brussels . In 1969 he was chief of protocol. In 1972 he was Counselor in London . In 1976 he was appointed Executive Envoy Extraordinary First Class and Ministre plénipotentiaire . In 1977 he was chief of the diplomatic protocol of the republic.

From 1979 to November 21, 1983 he was Ambassador to Athens , Greece .

From November 21, 1983 he was Permanent Representative of the Italian Government to the United Nations Office in Geneva .

In 1986 he was retired and became Deputy Commissioner of the Croce Rossa Italiana (Italian Red Cross) and board member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ President of the Italian Republic , Sandro Pertini , Il Presidente della Repubblica riceve in udienza, November 21, 1983, ... 17.45 Ambasciatore Remo PAOLINI, nuovo Rappresentante Permanente presso le Organizzazioni Internazionali a Ginevra. [1]
  2. Giancarlo Colombo , Who's Who in Italy Società a responsabilità limitata , Who's Who in Italy, 2006 p. 1598 [2] p. 1631 [3]
predecessor Office successor
Mario Franzi Italian Ambassador to Athens
Marco Pisa
Alessandro Farace Permanent representative of the Italian Government to the United Nations Office in Geneva
Paolo Bruni da Pechino
  1. ^ Maurizio Enrico Serra, Rappresentanza Permanente presso le Organizzazioni Internazionali in Ginevra, Nazioni Unite, [4]