Marcus Sergius Esquilinus

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Marcus Sergius Esquilinus was a Roman politician in the 5th century BC. And member of the patrician family of the Sergians . According to tradition, it belonged to 450 BC. To the second college of the Decemviri legibus scribundis.

The first name Marcus is passed down in Titus Livius and Dionysius of Halicarnassus , Diodor passed down as the first name Lucius. In the list of Roman consuls and generals, the Fasti Capitolini , neither first name nor family name can be reconstructed, only the epithet Esquilinus.

The surname Esquilinus (after one of the Seven Hills of Rome ) is not otherwise known in the Sergians clan (gens Sergia), the other representatives of the Sergians in the early republic all had the surname Fidenas (after the settlement of Fidenae ). Although the second college of the Decemvirs is viewed as an afterthought ( interpolated ), there are good reasons to consider Sergius Esquilinus to be a historical person and to assign him to the college of the Decemvirs.


Individual evidence

  1. On the question of the praenom see: T. Robert S. Broughton : The Magistrates Of The Roman Republic . Volume 1: 509 BC-100 BC (= Philological Monographs. Ed. By the American Philological Association. Number 15, Volume 1). Case Western Reserve University Press, Cleveland / Ohio 1951, Unchanged reprint 1968, p. 46 f.
  2. Titus Livius, Ab urbe condita III, 35.11.
  3. ^ Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Antiquitates Romanae XI, 23.
  4. Diodor, Bibliotheca historica XII, 24.1
  5. Fasti Capitolini: "... Esquiline [us]"
  6. Friedrich Münzer : Sergius 24. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen antiquity science (RE). Volume II A, 2, Stuttgart 1923, column 1711.
  7. Robert Werner : The beginning of the republic. Historical-chronological studies of the early days of the libera res publica . R. Oldenbourg, Munich / Vienna 1963, pp. 280-283.