Marda Vanne

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Marda Vanne, portrayed by Isaac Rosenberg , 1914

Marda Vanne (born September 27, 1896 in South Africa , † April 27, 1970 in London , born Margaretha van Hulsteyn ) was a South African theater and film actress .

Marda Vanne was the daughter of Sir Willem van Hulsteyn, a lawyer from the Netherlands . She was briefly married to the future South African Prime Minister Johannes Gerhardus Strijdom .

In 1926 she met the British actress Gwen Ffrangcon Davies in London , with whom she was an intense friend until her death. They jointly purchased Tagley Cottage in Stambourne , Essex , in the name of Ffrangcon Davies in 1934 , and who lived there for nearly 60 years. Together they went to Vanne's home country South Africa in 1940 and enlivened the theater world there by going on tour with their own company and performing Shakespeare's What You Want and JM Barries Quality Street .

Filmography (selection)

  • 1938: Strange Boarders
  • 1939: The Great Adventure (TV)
  • 1939: Passion, Poison and Petrifaction (TV)
  • 1961: The First Gentleman (TV)
  • 1968: Joanna

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