Marek Oramus

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Marek Oramus (born March 23, 1952 in Siepraw near Krakow ) is a Polish writer . He is one of the most famous science fiction authors in the country.

Oramus studied mechanical engineering in Gliwice until 1975 , then journalism in Warsaw until 1977 . He was deputy editor-in-chief of ITD magazine . From 1983 to 1986 he wrote reviews of SF literature for Przegląd Techniczny magazine , for which he received a Fantastyka magazine award.

Oramus made his debut as an SF author with the novel Witaj w domu published in 1977 . In 1982, the much-acclaimed novel Senni zwycięzcy followed , which in Poland is classified as sociological SF .

Works (selection)

  • 1982 - Senni zwycięzcy (novel)
  • 1985 - Arsenał (novel)
  • 1989 - Hieny cmentarne (collection of short stories)
  • 1990 - Dzień drogi do Meorii (novel)
  • 1995 - Święto śmiechu (novel)
  • 2002 - Rewolucja z dostawą na miejsce (German: The revolution took place here ) (collection of short stories)
  • 2010 - Trzeci najazd Marsjan (Roman, German: The third invasion of Mars )

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