Maria Zeeb

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Maria Zeeb (born March 22, 1859 in Walldürn ; † January 13, 1927 in Heidelberg ) was a German midwife and as such was involved in the first modern caesarean section , which was performed in 1881.

Live and act

Maria Theresia Zeeb completed a midwifery course at the University Women's Clinic in Heidelberg , not far from her place of birth Walldürn on the edge of the Odenwald. After completing her training, her teacher, Privy Councilor Ferdinand Adolf Kehrer , offered her to stay as an institutional midwife at the women's clinic, where she was soon promoted to senior midwife. For years she was valued there as a supervisor and trainer.

When Professor Kehrer was called to Meckesheim on September 25, 1881 by telegram from the gynecologist Schütz from Neckargemünd to help Emilie Schlufer, who had been in labor for two days, Maria Zeeb was part of his team, with whom he was on site for the first time a modern Performed caesarean section.

The first successful caesarean section was reported by Daniel Sennert (1572–1637) as early as the 17th century . This is said to have taken place in Wittenberg in 1610. Ferdinand Adolf Kehrer used a new caesarean section method for the first time in 1881 in Meckesheim, in which the uterus was not cut open from top to bottom, as was usual in the past, but transversely and carefully closed again after delivery. The merit of the “double suture” performed in this way as an improvement in the surgical technique is attributed not only to Ferdinand Kehrer, but also to Max Sänger (1853-1903). The operation took about an hour.

Even if there were already many independent women in the health professions and especially among the midwives in the 19th century, it was something special that Zeeb did not become an independent city or country midwife when she gave up working at the hospital. Instead, she founded a private hospital and maternity hospital in Heidelberg in 1903, which also made it an economically successful and respected institution. The private health and The maternity hospital was located at Bergheimer Strasse 50, close to what was then the gynecological clinic, and had a telephone. Maria Zeeb headed this institute until her death on January 13, 1927, after she had managed a few births herself on Christmas 1926, already seriously ill.


  • Karin Wittneben : Zeeb, Maria. In: Hans-Peter Wolff (Hrsg.): Biographical lexicon for nursing history “Who was who in Nursing history.” Volume 3, Elsevier, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-437-26671-3 , p. 304 f.

Individual evidence

  1. Entry # 5737 in the archive of the University of Heidelberg
  2. ^ District association of the rural women Heidelberg / Sinsheim - Meckesheim. Retrieved February 27, 2020 .
  3. Gerhard Ruby : In this house there was a life-and-death struggle . (accessed on February 29, 2020)
  4. Wolfgang U. Eckart : History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine , 8th edition. Springer Verlag Heidelberg, Berlin, New York 2017, p. 88. doi : 10.1007 / 978-3-662-54660-4
  5. ^ Karin Wittneben: Zeeb, Maria. In: Hans-Peter Wolff (Ed.): Biographical Lexicon for Nursing History "Who was who in Nursing history" , Volume 3, Elsevier Munich 2004, p. 304 f.
  6. a b Address book of the city of Heidelberg ... for the year 1913, Zeeb, Otto, approb. Dentist ... and Ms. Marie, formerly senior midwife, private sick person a. Maternity Hospital, Bergheimerstr. 50, In: Uni-Heidelberg
  7. Zeeb, Wilhelm Zeeb, Priv., And Mrs. Marie, formerly senior midwife, private hospital and maternity hospital, Bergheimer Strasse 50; see. Address book 1916, In: Heidelberger Geschichtsverein e. V. HGV
  8. ^ K. Wittneben: Zeeb, Maria. In: History of Nursing. January 20, 2004, accessed February 27, 2020 .