Mary of Sicily

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Maria (* 1362 ; † May 25, 1401 in Lentini ), Queen of Sicily , Duchess of Athens and Neopatria , was the daughter and heiress of King Friedrich III. the simple-minded . Since she was still very young when her father died in 1377, she was under the reign of four noble families who called themselves vicars (Consiglio dei quattro Vicari council of four deputies).

In 1390 Maria was brought to Aragón , where she married Martin the Younger , the grandson of John II of Aragón . In 1392 Martin and Maria returned to Sicily with military support, defeated the opposing barons, and then ruled together until Maria's death in 1401. Martin now invoked the treaty of 1372 and ruled the country alone.


predecessor Office successor
Friedrich III. Queen of Sicily 1377–1401
Aragon-Sicily Arms.svg
Martin I.
Friedrich III. Duchess of Athens
Peter IV
Friedrich III. Duchess of Neopatria 1377-1381
Coat of Arms of the Duchy of Neopatras, svg
Peter IV