Marianne Aatz

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Marianne Aatz (2009)

Marianne Aatz (* 1929 in Heiligenwald , Saarland as Marianne Klein ) is a German visual artist of modernity .


In 1946, Marianne Aatz began studying at the school for arts and crafts in Saarbrücken, which was newly founded in the same year . After completing the subject “basic teaching”, she studied the subjects “fashion” in the newly opened fashion class and “painting”; In the latter, she quickly rose to the master class of the art teacher Boris Kleint . In 1949 she successfully passed her exams. In the same year she continued her studies at the Grande Chaumière in Paris as part of a one-year scholarship; their professors were Ossip Zadkine and Fernand Léger . At the same time she studied in the studio of the internationally renowned artist André Lhote . After that, when she returned to Germany, she completed an apprenticeship in “ glass painting ” in Sulzbach . In the 1960s she devoted herself to her young family and hardly worked as an artist.

After this creative break, she resumed her artistic activity in the early 1970s. In 1979 she received a scholarship from the Saarland Ministry of Culture, which enabled her to study in the French city of Séguret in Provence . After that, she experienced an intense creative phase that lasted until the end of the 80s. A long-lasting illness kept her from her artistic work until the end of the 90s. Since then she has been artistically productive again. She is a member of the Federal Association of Visual Artists .

Marianne Aatz is married and has six children. She lives and works in the Oberlöstern district of the northern Saarland city of Wadern .


Despite the abstract and surrealist painting style that was popular in post-war Germany , the artist turned to representational painting. Aatz was at home in figurative art, to which she still feels connected to this day. However, this did not prevent her from incorporating abstract stylistic elements into her work over the years. Marianne Aatz takes most of the motifs from her own worlds of experience; she often covers them with absurdity and dreamlike alienations. The topics are very diverse: animals, people, preferably children, landscapes, still lifes and non-representational representations. In many of her pictures you can feel the tendency towards the mystical and fairytale . In their own color and form language, the faces and postures of the people in particular express their characteristics and charms.

Glass painting has a special place in her work. In the 1970s she designed around 40 artistically designed windows for churches, public buildings and private houses. She also left the technical implementation of the windows to no specialist company; she welded the individual elements together herself.

Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • 1955 Elitzer Gallery (Saarbrücken)
  • 1981 Le Nombre d'or Gallery (Metz)
  • 1982 Gallery Am Homburg (Saarbrücken)
  • 2004 City Hall Gallery Merzig
  • 2005 Gallery Schloss Dagstuhl (Wadern)
  • 2006 City Hall Gallery (Neunkirchen); Gallery in the Fellenbergmühle (Merzig)
  • 2008 Gallery Münchweiler Castle (Nunkirchen)
  • 2009 City Museum (St. Wendel)
  • 2014 Gallery of the University of Fine Arts (HBK) (Saarbrücken)

Working in public space (selection)

  • Church window in the Herz-Jesu-Kirche in Neunkirchen
  • Church window in the St. Marien Church in Neunkirchen
  • Church window in Lautzkirchen
  • Church window in Alschbach near Blieskastel
  • Church window in Niederwürzbach
  • Church window in Aschbach near Lebach together with Ferdinand Selgrad
  • Window in the Landesbank Saar Girozentrale in Saarbrücken
  • Window in the district office in St. Wendel
  • Window in the union building in Illingen
  • Row of steles in the city center of Saarlouis on the occasion of the city's 750th anniversary
  • Window in the Deutsche Bank in Neunkirchen and Saarbrücken
  • Window in the Raiffeisenbank in St. Wendel

Literature / sources

  • Images full of symbolism and fantasy. Works by the painter Marianne Aatz. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung (St. Wendel edition) v. February 2, 2009, p. C5
  • Marianne Aatz - painting. [Exhibition catalog]. Ed .: Stadtmuseum St. Wendel. Editor: Cornelieke Lagerwaard. St. Wendel: self-ext. d. Stadtmuseums, 2009. 40 p., Numerous. Color ill. ISBN 978-3-928810-71-5
  • HBK Saarbrücken ( Memento from August 26, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  • Quack, Brigitte: Full of quiet grace - works by Marianne Aatz from Saarland in St. Wendel. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung (Culture) of February 13, 2009, p. B5
  • Sophia Schülke: Fantastically alienated visual worlds. Painting by the Saarland artist Marianne Aatz. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung (Culture) of March 31, 2014, p. B4
  • Jo Enzweiler (Ed.): Marianne Aatz. Stained glass 1951–2017. St. Johann, Saarlouis 2018, ISBN 978-3-9817447-9-8 .


  • Church window in Saarland - Marianne Aatz. (Saarländischer Rundfunk 1955).
  • Late discovery - the painter Marianne Aatz. (Saarländischer Rundfunk: Kulturspiegel of December 1, 2004)
  • Mag's meets Marianne Aatz. (Saarländischer Rundfunk: Mag's of February 26, 2009)

Web links