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Coat of arms of Séguret
Séguret (France)
region Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur
Department Vaucluse
Arrondissement Carpentras
Canton Vaison-la-Romaine
Community association Vaison Ventoux
Coordinates 44 ° 12 '  N , 5 ° 1'  E Coordinates: 44 ° 12 '  N , 5 ° 1'  E
height 125-513 m
surface 21.04 km 2
Residents 844 (January 1, 2017)
Population density 40 inhabitants / km 2
Post Code 84110
INSEE code


Séguret is a french commune in the department of Vaucluse in the region Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur . It belongs to the canton of Vaison-la-Romaine in the Arrondissement of Carpentras . It is located 9.5 km southwest of Vaison-la-Romaine , about 20 km northeast of Orange and has 844 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2017) on an area of ​​2,104 hectares . The place was included in the list of the most beautiful villages in France .


Séguret is 250 meters above sea level, under the Dentelles de Montmirail , a mountain range between the Rhone and Mont Ventoux . The place is in the middle of vineyards and olive groves at the foot of a rugged hill occupied by a ruined castle. The village square offers a panorama of the Dentelles de Montmirail, the plain of Vaison-la-Romaine and the Massif Central in the distance .


Secular buildings

  • Castle ruins (13th century)
  • Remains of the old fortification wall (14th century), broken by two gates and side gates, which went up from the village to the castle ruins. The Porte de la Bise and the Portail Neuf (14th century), whose gate wing has iron fittings, are worth seeing .
  • Bell tower (14th century)
  • Fontaine des Mascarons (15th century) , a listed fountain decorated with stone masks
  • old wash house above the Prébayon Gorge torrent
  • Medieval-looking street network with narrow, cobblestone streets that wind up the hill
  • old houses of the rue des Poternes
  • The Place des Arceaux (18th century) and its old plane trees

Sacred buildings

  • Church Saint-Denis (10th century) with a Romanesque nave
  • Sainte-Thècle penitential chapel (18th century)
  • Consecration Chapel Notre-Dame-des-Grâces (1636) in the classical French style
  • Ruins of the chapel and priory of Saint-Just (1793)
  • Ruins of the Notre-Dame-d'Aubusson chapel


  • The Musée des Santons in the chapel of St. Thècle exhibits the typical Provencal clay nativity scenes, which are created in Séguret by trained Santoniers who live here. Special exhibitions show Christmas cribs in December and January and scenes from Provencal life in August.


Séguret is particularly known for its Provencal Christmas , which draws on ancient French customs and the tradition of the medieval mystery plays .

An important part of the Provencal Christmas is the nativity scene, which is already designed during Advent. On the 4th Advent, the village draws attention to itself and old customs with the Journée des Traditions (the “Day of Traditions”). This includes heating up the community bakery and tasting local specialties, breading , a kind of apple pocket made from bread dough and the wine grown here.

Every year on Christmas Eve, at sunset, the village elder, in the presence of the young “shepherds”, lights the ûche de Noël , the trunk of a fruit tree that has been carefully selected, felled and cut to size for this purpose, in the large fireplace of the community hall. The tradition says that it should burn continuously for three days and that the fire should not go out.

One of the highlights of the Christmas season is the scenic representation of the Holy Night of Bethlehem in the Staint-Denis Church. Paradise or Christmas games, first recorded in France in the 11th century, were later widespread. Here she is embodied by the local Ségurétains and comprises three images: the Annunciation , the bringing of the good news to the shepherds and the adoration of the Christ child in the stable of Bethlehem.

For the three-day patronage festival in August, the village community with more than one hundred costumed residents holds a solemn procession, which is preceded by the traditional bravade , a happy parade that is loudly accompanied by bangers, whistles and drums.

Web links

Commons : Séguret  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Séguret on Les plus Beaux Villages de France (French)