Marie Cuttoli

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Marie Cuttoli (* 1879 in Tulle ; † 1973 ) was a French entrepreneur and patron of the modernist tapestry .


Cuttoli was originally interested in reviving carpet production in Algeria . Around 1910 she set up a workshop in her Algerian home where she taught local women the craft; her work was then sold to haute couture houses in Paris. In 1925, her work was exhibited and well received at the International Exhibition of Modern Industrial and Applied Arts. In the same year, she opened Maison Myrbor (an abbreviation of her maiden name), a gallery and design house designed by Jean Lurçat on Rue Vignon in Paris. In the Rue Vignon there were established art dealers like Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler . Maison Myrbor made embroidered and appliquéd dresses, some of which were designed by Natalia Goncharova, had a decoration department, and held major painting exhibitions for artists such as Salvador Dalí and Francis Cyril Rose.

The Barnes Foundation exhibited their work in 2020 and published a catalog of that work, citing the exhibition as the first celebration of "their visionary approach to art and business" by a major American institution.

In 1927, Cuttoli commissioned boxes from Georges Braque , Fernand Léger , Joan Miró and Pablo Picasso . The following year, she turned to revitalizing the Aubusson tapestry industry, encouraging other avant-garde artists of the time to weave tapestries based on her easel paintings , including Raoul Dufy , Le Corbusier , Jean Lurçat , Henri Matisse and Georges Rouault . Cuttoli entered into a partnership with the Jeanne Bucher gallery and later with the Lucie Weill & Seligmann gallery.

In 1912 she married Paul Cuttoli, an Algerian-born French politician, a radical socialist senator. The Cuttolis built a mansion called Villa Myriam in Philippeville, Algeria: their Parisian house at 55 Rue de Babylone became the residence of Yves Saint Laurent and his partner Pierre Bergé. As a close friend of Picasso and other contemporary artists, the Cuttolis collected works by Picasso as well as by Braque, Dufy and Léger. Her collection of Cubist works was donated to the Musée National d'Art Moderne, and the 1969 gift from Cuttoli-Laugier to the same museum included a collection of Picassos.

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