Marie Woermann

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Woermann's drawing of the Woermann line steamer named after her

Marie Woermann (* the thirtieth December 1851 in Hamburg , † 8. October 1942 ibid ) was a painter and graphic artist and member of the shipowning family Woermann.

Live and act

Woermann was the daughter of the businessman and ship owner Carl Woermann . Her niece Hedwig Woermann made a name for herself as a painter and sculptor.

Woermann began her art studies with the Hamburg impressionist Thomas Herbst . At first she mainly made copies after old masters and watercolors in the style of earlier Hamburg open-air painting . After further lessons with Gotthard Kuehl, lecturer at the Hamburg School of Applied Arts, she turned to more realistic and fashionable motifs, right up to genre-like presentations. She remained unmarried and lived in Hamburg at Wentzelstrasse 19.

She was financially independent and - together with her painter friend Emily Langberg (1851–1935), who was born in Oslo - was able to allow herself extensive study trips. The friends traveled to Norway, Algiers, Spain, Egypt, Syria and Greece, among others.

The mail steamship "Marie Woermann" (built 1887) was named after her. It ran between Hamburg via Rotterdam to Liberia and had a volume of 1,800 register tons.


  • Family tree of the Woermann family with information on the history of the family. [approx. 1906].


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Marie Woermann in the database of women's biographies Hamburg.