Marina Vladimirovna Scrzhinskaya

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Marina Vladimirovna Skrschinskaja ( Russian Марина Владимировна Скржинская ; born August 23, 1939 in Leningrad ) is a Soviet - Ukrainian ancient historian .


Skrschinskaja, daughter of medievalist Jelena Tscheslawowna Skrschinskaja , studied at the Leningrad University (LGU) in the Classical Department of Philology Faculty with completion in 1961. After postgraduate at Aristid Ivanovich Dowatur the Chair for Classical Philology of the LGU she defended in 1968 with success their dissertation on the narrative tradition of tyranny in Greece in the 7th and 6th centuries BC Chr. , For promotion to the candidate of philological sciences. She then taught classical languages ​​at the LGU and the Leningrad Medical Institute.

In 1972, Skrschinskaja became a senior research assistant at the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in Kiev . In 1992, at the St. Petersburg branch of the Moscow Institute for Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences , she defended her doctoral thesis on ancient written sources from the 7th to 4th centuries BC. BC regarding the northern Black Sea coast for a doctorate in history . She studied life in the ancient city of Olbia in the 6th to 1st centuries BC. As well as the relationship between the Greeks and Scythians there. Another focus was the judiciary in the Greek colonies on the northern Black Sea coast.

In 2005, Skrschinskaja became a senior research assistant in the Department of Medieval History of Ukraine of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kiev.

Skrschinskaja is married to the historian Nikolai Fyodorowitsch Kotlyar .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Скржинська Марина Володимирівна (accessed May 11, 2020).
  2. К 60-летию Марины Владимировны Скржинской . In: Археологія . No. 3 , 1999, p. 151-152 .
  3. a b Владимир Шаронов. Он поэтически предвидел судьбуКнига « Джиордано Бруно »  как   скрытая исповедь Льва Карсавина . In: The Ergo Journal . March 5, 2015 ( [1] [accessed May 12, 2020]).
  4. Скржинская Марина Владимировна: Новеллистическая традиция о тирании в Греции VII-VI вв. до н. э .: Автореферат дис. на соискание учен. степени канд. филол. наук: (644) . 1968.
  5. Скржинская Марина Владимировна: Античные письменные источники VII-IV вв. до н.э. о Северном Причерноморье: Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. д.ист.н . 1992.
  6. Скржинская М. В .: Ольвии в VI — I  вв. до  н.  э. Алетейя, St. Petersburg 2000, ISBN 5-89329-293-6 .
  7. Скржинская М. В .: Скифия глазами эллинов . 2nd Edition. Алетейя, St. Petersburg 2001, ISBN 5-89329-108-5 .
  8. Марина СКРЖИНСКАЯ: Под покровительством Фемиды (accessed on May 11, 2020).