Marinus De Jong

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Marinus De Jong (born July 14, 1891 in Oosterhout , † June 13, 1984 in Ekeren (Antwerp)) was a Dutch-Belgian composer and pianist.


Marinus De Jong came from the Netherlands, but after completing his studies at the Royal Flemish Conservatory of Music in Antwerp, he took Belgian citizenship. His teachers included Émile Bosquet (piano) and Lodewijk Mortelmans (counterpoint and fugue).

De Jong began his musical career as a pianist; 1919–1922 took him on a concert tour through the USA, including New York . From 1925 he taught at the church music institute in Mechelen , from 1931 piano at the Antwerp Conservatory (from 1948 also counterpoint).


De Jong's extensive compositional work includes almost all musical genres. In addition to its in-depth studies of Gregorian modes , it also reflects influences of Flemish folk music. Among other things he wrote 4 symphonies, 6 string quartets, the opera Esmoreit (first performance 1970) and the oratorio Hiawatha's Lied (1947). His compositions have won several prizes, including his 4th String Quartet (1956) with the Prize of the Société Belge des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs .


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