Mario García Menocal

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Mario García Menocal (born December 17, 1866 in Jagüey Grande , Cuba ; † 1941 in Santiago de Cuba , Cuba) was a Cuban politician and the third president of Cuba from 1913 to 1921.

One of the youngest generals of the Cuban War of Independence against Spanish colonial rule 1895–1898, he became the owner of one of the largest sugar mills called "Central Chaparra" in Oriente after the war. As a Conservative Party candidate, he became Vice President in 1912 and then President of Cuba in 1913. Under his government, Cuba entered the First World War on the US side .

In the 1916 presidential election he was narrowly defeated by Alfredo Zayas y Alfonso , whereupon the United States from Guantánamo intervened militarily against Zayas and successfully prevented him from becoming president. The presidential election in 1920 won again Zayas, who replaced Menocal as president in 1921. Under his successor Gerardo Machado , Menocal fled into exile in the USA and returned to Cuba after the popular uprising against Machado.


  1. Cuba en la mano. Enciclopédia popular ilustrada. La Habana 1940, p. 1198