Mark S. Manasse

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Mark Steven Manasse is an American computer scientist and mathematician who deals with algorithmic number theory.

Manasse studied from 1975 at Harvard University (Bachelor 1978 "cum laude") and at the University of Wisconsin – Madison , where he made his master's degrees in mathematics (1979) and computer science (1981) and in 1982 with Terence Millar in mathematical logic PhD ( Techniques and Counterexamples in Almost Categorical Recusive Model Theory ). As a post-doctoral student he was at Bell Laboratories and, after a stay as Visiting Assistant Professor in 1984 at the University of Chicago , from 1985 at DEC in Palo Alto (System Research Center Compaq Computer Corporation). From 2001 he was with Microsoft Research in Mountain View .

In his industrial activity, he dealt, for example, with memory organization of multiprocessor architectures and related to competitive algorithms, Windows systems, distributed computing , cryptographic protocols for micropayments ( Milli Cent Project, 1995) and syntactic structures for large amounts of documents in the World Wide Web . With Arjen Lenstra , Hendrik Lenstra and John M. Pollard , he developed the number field sieve for the factorization of composite natural numbers . With this they factorized the ninth Fermat number in 1990 , which confirmed the strength of the number body sieve, which in the course of the 1990s replaced the dominance of the square sieve as the most powerful method. At DEC he also implemented several factorization algorithms (Multiple Polynomial Quadratic Sieve and Elliptic Curve) with Arjen Lenstra in distributed computer systems in the 1980s . With distributed computing, after this preliminary work, in 1994 the factoring of the 129-digit RSA challenge number (in computers networked via the World Wide Web, with a total of eight months of computing time), which Martin Gardner in his Scientific American column in 1976 for so had declared almost impossible.

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Individual evidence

  1. Anna Karlin, Mark Manasse, Larry Rudolph, Daniel Sleator: Competitive Snoopy Caching , Algorithmica Vol. 3, 1988, pp. 79-119
  2. Arjen Lenstra, Hendrik Lenstra, Mark Manasse, John Pollard: The number field sieve , Proc. 22nd ACM Symposium on the theory of computing, 1990, pp. 564-572
  3. Arjen Lenstra, Hendrik Lenstra, Mark Manasse, John Pollard: Factorization of the ninth Fermat number , Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 61, 1993, pp. 318-349
  4. Arjen Lenstra, Mark Manasse: Factoring by electronic mail , Eurocrypt 89, Lecture Notes Computer Science Vol. 434, pp. 355-371, Springer, 1990
  5. under the direction of Arjen Lenstra, Derek Atkins, Michael Graff, Paul Leyland