Markus Moehring

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Markus Moehring (* 1958 in Lörrach ) is a German historian , he is a folklorist, museum director of the Dreiländermuseum in Lörrach and director of the German history museums, member of the management team in the history associations network and spokesman for the German history museums.

Live and act

Moehring was born as the son of the teacher and local researcher Gerhard Moehring and attended the Hebel-Gymnasium Lörrach . After graduating from high school and studying, Markus Moehring was elected by the local council in 1991 as head of the Museum am Burghof . Under his leadership, the museum was expanded in terms of its importance for the Markgräflerland and, as a trinational history museum, the triangle of Germany, France and Switzerland. The permanent exhibition on the region around Basel , Northern Switzerland , Alsace and Lörrach was set up as ExpoTriRhena , in 2012 the exhibition was expanded and renamed the Dreiländermuseum.

Moehring was involved in Interreg projects and was involved in expanding the networks of museums and history societies.

In 2009 Moehring was elected spokesman for the section on history museums in the German Museum Association.

In 2017 Moehring was awarded the Medal of Honor of the Regio Basiliensis in recognition of his long-term commitment. And in 2018 awarded him the leverage covenant Loerrach the lever Thanks . With this award, the Hebelbund honored Moehring's work around the Alemannic poet Johann Peter Hebel .

Publications (selection)

  • The three-country museum - cross-border cultural center with an eventful history. In: The Markgräflerland. Volume 2016, pp. 65-89.
  • The museum at the Burghof in Lörrach: history, collections, tasks. In: Das Markgräflerland, issue 2/1995, pp. 65–74. Digitized version of the Freiburg University Library
  • From the antiquity association to the three-country museum. In: Lörrach 2012, yearbook with picture chronicle, ed. by Wolfgang Göckel, Andreas Lauble, Waldemar Lutz, Markus Moehring et al., 2012, pp. 63–64.
  • From local history museum to ExpoTriRhena: The museum at the Burghof in Lörrach. In: Badische Heimat. Volume 4, pp. 771-773.
  • The three-country museum and the trinational networks on the Upper Rhine. In: Museum Studies. Volume 78, ed. from the German Museum Association, 2013, p. 48.
  • Lörrach - Democracy Movements in the Border Region. In: Kathryn Babeck: The street of democracy: Revolution, constitution and law. A route companion on the trail of freedom. Karlsruhe 2007, pp. 151-175.
  • Loerrach and Switzerland. Results of an exhibition on the history of Lörrach. In: Unser Lörrach, 23, 1992, pp. 51-78.
  • with Marion Ziegler-Jung and Robert Neisen (eds.): Rich heritage - industrial culture in three countries. Loerrach 2016.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The team at the Dreiländermuseum Lörrach
  2. Markus Moehring board member in the Comité trinational of the network of historical societies on the Upper Rhine
  3. Markus Moehring, spokesman for the German history museums
  4. Pro Senectute: Markus Moehring and the turning point after the First World War, accessed on April 25, 2020
  5. Markus Moehring and the turning point after the First World War. "I've always been concerned with the border"
  6. Peter Schenk: My life in the Dreiland. Grew up with two wars. In Basler Zeitung, May 10, 2017
  7. Annemarie Rösch: In the museum…: Cosmopolitan and connected to three countries. In: Badische Zeitung, May 5, 2018.
  8. ^ The Leverbund Lörrach e. V. awards the lever thanks to Mr. Markus Moehring in 2018
  9. Leverage thanks to Markus Moehring