Martha Heublein

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Martha Heublein (born February 18, 1898 in Mulhouse ; † January 18, 1945 in Siegburg ) was a French opera singer , translator and resistance fighter against National Socialism .

Live and act

Martha Heublein, born in Alsace and raised in France , became an active resistance fighter in Cologne . Together with her husband Karl Heublein, she belonged to a Franco-German group of friends and acquaintances who listened to " enemy broadcasts ", made "critical comments" in the air raid shelter and hid forced laborers who had fled . The Gestapo targeted eight people from the group who were arrested on November 5, 1944. During the arrest, some flyers were found that Martha Heublein had drawn up, calling for an end to the war.

On January 16, 1945, she, her husband Karl and Jean Pierre May were sentenced to death by the Cologne Senate of the People's Court . A command from the Cologne police force carried out the sentence on January 18, 1945 in Siegburg .

In 2004, Martha-Heublein-Strasse in Cologne-Brück was named after her. In 1987, the Cologne city council suggested adding a statue of Martha Heublein to the figure program of the Cologne council tower . However, the proposal was not implemented.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carl Dietmar, Werner Jung : Cologne. The great city history . 1st edition. Klartext, Essen 2015, ISBN 978-3-8375-1487-2 , p. 431 .
  2. ^ Ulrich Soénius , Jürgen Wilhelm (ed.): Kölner Personen Lexikon . 1st edition. Greven, Cologne 2008, ISBN 978-3-7743-0400-0 , pp. 240 .
  3. ^ Commemoration of the Victims of National Socialism , accessed on February 10, 2017
  4. ^ Official Journal of the City of Cologne , Volume 35, Number 38, September 15, 2004, p. 825.
  5. Hiltrud Kier, Bernd Ernsting, Ulrich Krings, Vera Bachmann, Dorothea Heiermann: Cologne, the council tower: its history and its program of figures . 1st edition. JP Bachem, Cologne 1996, ISBN 3-7616-1156-0 , p. 273 .