Martin Arz

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Martin Arz (born July 3, 1963 in Würzburg ) is a German writer and visual artist .


After graduating from high school, Martin Arz studied art history , folklore, and prehistory for a year at the Julius Maximilians University in Würzburg . In 1983 he moved to the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and switched to theater studies , ethnology and art education . During his studies, which he completed with a master's degree, Arz wrote for the Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin and presented his art in exhibitions. Arz then worked as a public relations consultant for McDonald’s before becoming a full painter and author.

As an artist, Arz was influenced by Pop Art and New Objectivity , especially in earlier works . The main topic of his work is people. In his square skulls, Arz moves away from realism and breaks down the portrayed, for example, into colored puzzles.

As a crime writer, he published a work on the amateur detective Felix von Schwind for the first time in 1999; another three Felix novels, written as first-person stories with a strong satirical influence, followed. In 2004 the first crime novel was published with the detective Max Pfeffer, The Gifted Girl , which was selected by Brigitte magazine as one of the 15 best new paperback publications of the year. Both crime series are set almost exclusively in Munich , often in the Glockenbachviertel . It is unusual for German crime novels that both series heroes are homosexual . The Felix series also partly takes place in the gay scene.

Arz also publishes short stories and thrillers and, as a non-fictional author, publishes books on Munich districts. He lives in Munich .


Detective novels

Felix novels

Max Pfeffer novels



  • 1997: 3rd EigenArt , Munich
  • 1997: Ebersberg Art Prize, Ebersberg
  • 1998: Africa , art treatment, Munich
  • 2005: Galerie Junge, Berlin
  • 2006: Lenbach construction site , art pavilion, Munich
  • 2006: KrimiKunst , Günter Grass-Haus, Lübeck
  • 2006: Annual exhibition at Kunstverein Ebersberg, Ebersberg

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