Martin Baumann (religious scholar)

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Martin Baumann (* 1960 in Swakopmund , South West Africa , today Namibia ) is a German religious scholar and head of the religious studies seminar at the University of Lucerne .

After studying religious studies , philosophy and English at universities in Marburg, London, Berlin and Hanover, he received his doctorate in 1993 with a thesis on Buddhism in Germany . In 1999 he completed his habilitation with a paper on Hindus in the Caribbean. Martin Baumann has been Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Lucerne and head of the Religious Studies seminar since 2001. His main research interests are the globalization of Buddhism and Hinduism in Europe and the Caribbean as well as the broader subject area of ​​religion, migration, pluralism and integration.

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  • 1993: German Buddhists. History and communities . (also dissertation at the University of Hanover , 2nd edition 1995)
  • 2000: Migration - Religion - Integration. Buddhist Vietnamese and Hindu Tamils ​​in Germany .
  • 2003: Old gods in a new home. Religious studies analysis of the diaspora using the example of Hindus in Trinidad . (Also habilitation thesis at the University of Leipzig from 1999 under the title The concept of the diaspora as an analytical category. A religious studies study using the example of the global 'dispersion' of Hindu traditions in modern times )
  • 2016: Integration potentials of religion and civil society. Theoretical and empirical findings, together with Edmund Arens and Antonius Liedhegener


  1. The biographical information comes from his homepage, URL archived copy ( Memento from October 10, 2006 in the Internet Archive ) as well as from the website of the Religious Studies seminar of the University of Lucerne, URL Archived Copy ( Memento from May 17, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) (last Accessed May 8, 2010).

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