Martin Lebzelter

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Martin Lebzelter (* before 1492 in Ulm , † 1520 in Basel ) was a German - Swiss sculptor and carver in Basel.


Martin Lebzelter, originally from Ulm , bought the citizenship of Basel in 1492 , where he worked from then on, but he also took orders from the surrounding areas. The carved altar (1505–1511) for the collegiate church Saint-Marcel in Delsberg , for which Lebzelter received 240 guilders, and the carved keystones of the choir vault of the St. Leonhards church in Basel have been preserved. Other works, such as for example 1507 for the church of Glovelier , are only documented. He is credited with a. a wing relief with St. Laurentius from Rädersdorf (around 1515) and the female candlestick of the Basel gardeners' guild (around 1520). Alongside those of Martin Hoffmann and Jos and Dominicus Gundersheimer (father and son), his workshop was one of the leading sculpture studios in Basel in the early 16th century.


  • Statues of St. Andrew and St. Laurence. Main altar in the parish church of Delémont, 1508–1510


  • Carl Brun (Red.): Schweizerisches Künstler-Lexikon, Vol. 2, p. 237.
  • Monique Fuchs: La sculpture en Haut-Alsace à la fin du Moyen Age 1456–1521. Strasbourg 1987. ISBN 2-904920-02-1
  • Sophie Guillot de Suduiraut: Un sculpteur souabe à Bâle: Martin Lebzelter, in: Skulptur in Süddeutschland 1400-1770. Festschrift for Alfred Schädler,, ed. by Rainer Kashnitz and Peter Volk, Munich 1998, pp. 157–176.
  • Stefan Hess / Wolfgang Loescher : Furniture in Basel. Art and craft of the carpenters until 1798, Basel 2012; ISBN 978-3-85616-545-1
  • Annie Kaufmann-Hagenbach: The Basler Sculpture of the Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries, Basler Studies on Art History Volume 10, Verlag Birkhäuser, Basel, 1952.
  • Paul Koelner : History of the spinning weather guild in Basel and their crafts , Basel 1931 (reprint 1970)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz-Josef Sladeczek : Lebzelter, Martin. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. ^ Sculptures gothiques in the Musée de Delémont. In: Journal for Swiss Archeology and Art History , 27 (1970), p. 67 (images; text in French)