Martin Lutter

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Martin Lutter (born October 14, 1874 in Charlottenburg , † April 13, 1978 in Mönchengladbach ) was a German officer, landowner and politician.


After graduating from high school in Magdeburg, Lutter studied law at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg , where he became a member of the Corps Guestphalia . After completing his studies, he joined the Prussian Army and in 1896 became a lieutenant in Pioneer Battalion No. 10 in Hanover. In 1899 he switched to the transport troops (railroad and telegraphy). In 1900 he took part in the China expedition . In 1904 he was transferred to the Imperial Protection Force for German South West Africa , and in 1912 to the Reich Colonial Office . In the First World War he fought on the Western Front, among other things .

Retired from active service as a major in 1918 , Lutter devoted himself to the management of his Frauendorf estate near Frankfurt (Oder) . He was head of office, dike captain and member of the provincial parliament. After the Second World War he lived in Munich and Mönchengladbach.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Würzburg sheets. Newspaper of the Corps Makaria-Guestphalia , Issue 52 (1978), pp. 601f.
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 90 , 80


  • Martin Lutter Makaria-Guestphaliae was 103 years old . Deutsche Corpszeitung 78 (1977), p. 148 f.