Martin Melzer

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Martin Melzer (born November 16, 1901 in Elchesheim ; missing July 24, 1944 ) was SS-Hauptsturmführer and commander of the guards in the Neuengamme , Dachau and Majdanek concentration camps .


Melzer, a trained locksmith, was a professional soldier in the Reichswehr from 1919 to 1931 . In October 1933 he joined the SS (membership number 172.106) and in March 1934 the NSDAP ( membership number 3.586.167). From July 1940, Melzer first became the commanding officer of the guards in the Neuengamme concentration camp of the SS-Totenkopfverband Brno and was then assigned to the Dachau concentration camp in the same function. From the end of August 1943, Melzer succeeded Walter Adolf Langleist as the commanding officer of the Majdanek concentration camp , and remained so until the concentration camp was evacuated in July 1944. In this role, Melzer also temporarily took on the role of the camp commandant . Melzer has been missing after battles since July 24, 1944.
