Marussia B2

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Marussia B2.jpg
Production period: 2009-2014
Class : Sports car
Body versions : Coupe
Petrol engines : 2.8-3.5 liters
(221-309 kW)
Length: 4635 mm
Width: 2000 mm
Height: 1100 mm
Wheelbase : 2680 mm
Empty weight : 1100 kg
Previous model Marussia B1

The Marussia B2 is a sports car from the Russian manufacturer Marussia Motors .

In contrast to the technically closely related model B1 , the car presented at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt am Main in September 2009 has an idiosyncratic and strongly jagged design in which the letter M is supposed to be reflected.

Like the B1, the B2 is equipped with engines from the British manufacturer Cosworth . A 2.8-liter turbo engine with 265 kW (360 PS) or 309 kW (420 PS) and a 3.5-liter naturally aspirated engine with 221 kW (300 PS) were available as engines.

Due to the insolvency of the manufacturer, production was also stopped here, as with the predecessor B1 , in 2014.

Individual evidence

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Web links

Commons : Marussia B2  - Collection of images, videos and audio files