Matisia cordata

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Matisia cordata
Zapote andes allemhurach.jpg

Matisia cordata

Order : Mallow-like (Malvales)
Family : Mallow family (Malvaceae)
Subfamily : Woolly trees (Bombacoideae)
Genre : Matisia
Type : Matisia cordata
Scientific name
Matisia cordata
Humb. & Bonpl.
Flower with the overgrown stamens
Opened fruit

Matisia cordata (Syn .: Quararibea cordata (Humb. & Bonpl.) Vischer ) is a tree in the mallow family from the subfamily of wool trees from Bolivia , Peru , northern Brazil , Colombia , Ecuador to Central America .


Matisia cordata grows as a fast-growing, semi- evergreen tree to about 15-30 meters or more high. In culture it is usually no higher than up to about 12 meters. The trunk diameter reaches up to 50 centimeters. The relatively smooth bark is brownish. Sometimes smaller buttress roots can appear.

The simple, alternate and long-stemmed leaves are arranged at the branch ends. The long petiole is up to 20-25 centimeters long. The broad, heart-shaped, slightly leathery and bare, rounded to acuminate or pointed leaves have entire margins and are up to 25–40 centimeters long and wide. The nerve is palmate. The stipules are sloping.

The flowers appear in clusters of kauliflor , stem-flowered or ramiflor, knot-flowered. The short-stalked, greenish-yellow to -white and hermaphrodite, relatively large, five-fold flowers have a double flower envelope . The leathery, 2–3 cm long, fine-haired calyx is cup-shaped with short lobes, lobes. The obovate, fine-haired petals are about 3 centimeters long. The stamens are fused in a thick and fleshy tube, with 5 thick, long branches, each with a few sitting anthers. The fünfkammerige ovary is (semi) under constantly with a long, thick, slightly hairy pen with a large, capitate and multipart scar .

Brownish-greenish, round, about 6-13.5 centimeters large, fine-haired, firm, thick-leather and multi-seeded, stone-fruit-like fruits with a constant calyx are formed. The slightly pitted, flattened, about 2.5-4 centimeters long, fibrous-hairy, up to 5 seeds are roughly elliptical to crescent-shaped. The fruits can weigh up to over 1 kg, but are usually significantly lighter.


The fruits are edible, the fibrous, yellow-orange, soft flesh is sweet and tastes like pumpkin with notes of mango and apricot. Internationally, the fruit is known as South American Sapote , Zapote , Sapota , or Chupa-Chupa .

The wood is relatively light and not durable.


  • Food and fruit-bearing forest species. 3: Examples from Latin America. FAO Forestry Paper 44/3, FAO, 1986, ISBN 92-5-102372-7 , pp. 265-268.
  • Harri Lorenzi: Árvores Brasileiras. Vol. 3, Instituto Plantarum, 2009, 2011, ISBN 978-85-86714-33-7 , p. 195, online at StuDocu.
  • TK Lim: Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants. Volume 1: Fruits. Springer, 2012, ISBN 978-90-481-8660-0 , pp. 590 ff.

Web links

Commons : Matisia cordata  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. William S. Alverson: Matisia and Quararibea (Bombacaceae) Should be retained as separate genera. In: Taxon. Vol. 38, no. 3, 1989, pp. 377-388, doi: 10.2307 / 1222268 , online at VDocuments.