Matthew III. (Beaumont)

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Matthew III. (French: Mathieu ; † 1208 ) was a Count of Beaumont-sur-Oise and Count of Valois ( iure uxoris ) from the House of Beaumont-sur-Oise . He was a son of Count Matthew II of Beaumont-sur-Oise , Grand Chamberlain of France , and his first wife Mathilde of Châteaudun.

In his first marriage, Matthew was married to Eleanor of Vermandois († 1213), the contingent heir of the counties of Vermandois and Valois, from around 1175 . After the death of her sister Mabile in 1182, however, her husband, Count Philipp von Flanders , denied Eleonore's rights to the Vermandois inheritance, which he claimed for himself. In the Treaty of Boves negotiated by the French King Philip II of August in 1185 , Eleanor and with her Matthew were able to take over the county of Valois, but Vermandois remained with the Count of Flanders for the time being.

Together with King Philip II of August, King Henry II of England , his son Richard the Lionheart and several knights of France, Matthew took the cross on January 13, 1188 near Gisors for the third crusade . In the further course of the crusade, however, he is no longer mentioned. During this enterprise, the Count of Flanders died childless and King Philip II of August transferred the Vermandois to Eleanor in 1192. At the same time, Matthew separated from his first wife, with which he also lost the Valois.

Before the year 1199, Matthew married again, with Eleonore, a daughter of Count Raoul I of Soissons . Because he had no children from either marriage, his half-brother Johann inherited him in Beaumont-sur-Oise .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rigord : Gesta Philippi Augusti. In: Léopold Delisle (ed.): Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France. 17 (1878), p. 25.

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predecessor Office successor
Matthew II Count of Beaumont-sur-Oise 1174–1208
Blason ville for Paulinet (Tarn) .svg
Philip of Flanders Count of Valois
(with Eleanor of Vermandois)
Eleanor of Vermandois