Matthias Joseph Johnen

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Matthias Joseph Johnen (born September 21, 1817 in Alsdorf ; † March 2, 1906 in Eschweiler) was pastor in Eschweiler - Röhe , dean of the Eschweiler deanery , knight of the red eagle order IV class, the crown order III. Class and Dome of Honor at Cologne Cathedral .

Origin, education and chaplaincy

Matthias Joseph Johnen attended the Kaiser-Karls-Gymnasium in Aachen and then studied theology in Bonn . On April 17, 1842, he was ordained a priest in Cologne . He found his first job as a vicar in Afden; from there Johnen was transferred as chaplain to the Church of St. Mary's Assumption in Cologne.

Pastor in Röhe, dean and honorary canon

In 1852 Johnen was transferred from the Archbishop of Cologne to Pastor at St. Antonius, Eschweiler- Röhe , where he worked for 53 years. In 1854, on John's initiative, the sacristy was added where the choir of the former Röher chapel used to be. In 1855 an organ could be purchased; Overall, Johnen drove forward the expansion of the Röher parish church over the decades of his work. In 1861 Pastor Johnen founded the church choir (today MGV St. Gregorius Eschweiler-Röhe). The former monastery of the order of the poor servants of Jesus Christ , the Helene-Nickel-Stift, was founded in Röhe under Pastor Johnen .

In 1881 Pastor Johnen was elected dean of the Eschweiler dean's office, an office he held until his death. In 1888 he was installed as honorary canon at the Metropolitan Church in Cologne.

After Matthias Joseph Johnen died unexpectedly of a heart attack on March 2, 1906, Antonius Hubert Cardinal Fischer from Cologne celebrated the exequies in the Röher Church. John's grave is in the Röher cemetery.


  • Catholic parish of St. Antonius von Padua, Eschweiler Röhe (Hrsg.): Festschrift for the 150th anniversary. Eschweiler 1995.